The Wallbox entrepreneurial ecosystem (October 2021): 1,263 million euros worth!

One of the most recent and most popular has been the Wallbox exit in October 2021. The manufacturer of chargers for electric cars debuted last year on the New York Stock Exchange and with an initial valuation of 9.49 dollars per share (about 8 euros). So, the company's valuation reached 1,470 million dollars (about 1,263 million euros).

The Spanish startup, which was born in 2015, aims to lead the emerging global market of charging points both domestic and roads and highways.

Among its main shareholders is Iberdrola and its Perseo fund, with several agreements and just under 10% of the company. Seaya Ventures, Wind Ventures, Cathay Innovation and Endeavor Catalyst also participate in the Catalan company.

Wallbox entrepreneurial ecosystem

“For Wallbox, the IPO was a turning point in the company's trajectory. It was the end of one stage and the beginning of another. It allowed us to raise the necessary financial resources to boost both our business plan and the growth of the company. This is what we continue to work on,” says Jordi Lainz, chief financial officer of Wallbox.

Until 2026, the forecast is to expand the existing factories: “We are already in more than 100 countries, we have offices in more than 20 and we continue to grow. 98% of the chargers needed for the definitive deployment of electric mobility are not yet installed. There are some countries that are key for us and where we focus.”

“In 2022, these markets are Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States. This is accompanied by agreements that we sign with companies of a very disparate nature, such as Uber, Polaris or Nissan in the United States; or FreeNow in Spain," he says.

"Last April we inaugurated the new factory in Barcelona, which allows us to supply chargers to the whole world. In autumn we will inaugurate another plant: the one in Texas, with which we will respond to the demand of the American market. And let's not forget about another factory in China, which supplies the local market,” stresses Laiz.

Wallbox entrepreneurial ecosystem details

Wallbox, a word that is incorporated into the glossary of cars

That electric cars can be plugged into the home network is not a novelty, but the installation should be given a help. These are these chargers, which will even be mandatory and have different features.

Buying an electric car is one of the aspirations of many young people, much more identified with the care of the planet and away, at the same time, from the taste for conventional fossil fuel engines. In fact, for that reason it is that Scooters or electric skateboards are becoming more and more popular, and as purchasing power increases with job exit and professional development, the car becomes the next step for mobility.

Wallbox entrepreneurial ecosystem details

In countries of our region, where electric cars are not yet frequently seen or marketed in appreciable quantities, some issues are not yet a concern, but in Europe, China or the USA, other issues related to the use of electricity to move are beginning to appear on the agenda of users.

Although they are more expensive than a similar heat engine car, buying an electric car entails another series of issues to which you have to adapt. Hiring a mechanical assistance with an electric generator is one, planning trips or movements away from the usual area of movement taking into account autonomy and possible recharging points is another, and buying a Wallbox is another thing that should be added to the list of tasks.

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Wallbox entrepreneurial ecosystem
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