Vivek Sharma Meta vice president resigns! Horizon Worlds: Facebook's metaverse boss has just resigned

The reasons for this departure have not been disclosed by Meta.

Vivek Sharma, vice president of Meta and head of Horizon Worlds, has resigned. The information, unveiled by Reuters, was confirmed by the group that owns Facebook on Friday, Numerama reports.

Vivek Sharma Meta vice president

Vivek Sharma was in charge of the development of Facebook's metaverse since August 2021. Launched last August in France, Horizon Worlds was strongly criticized (especially after the publication of a "selfie" by Mark Zuckerberg) and did not attract as many Internet users around the world as the group hoped.

Until now, Meta had two separate divisions for metaverse: the one headed by Vivek Sharma was dedicated solely to Horizon Worlds, while another, led by Vishal Shah, dealt with metaverse in general.

Vivek Sharma Meta vice president resigns

After this departure, the two divisions should be merged into one.

Vivek Sharma joined Meta in 2016, after a stint at Microsoft. He first worked in the gaming division of the group. The reasons for his departure have not been revealed but are not believed to be related to a new professional opportunity, according to Meta.

# Vivek Sharma Meta vice president #

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Damart: The servers of the clothing brand targeted by a cyber attack

The group claims that no personal customer data has been stolen.

No holiday for hackers. Hackers took advantage of the day of August 15 last year, when the cybersecurity workforce was reduced, to break into the computer servers of the Damart brand, reveals Le Parisien.

This cyberattack aimed to steal personal data and deploy ransomware in order to then demand a large sum of money in exchange for the return of the stolen information. The latest strain of the Hive ransomware has been found in the computer system of the clothing brand.

"The intrusion was quickly detected by our teams," a Damart spokesman has since said, wanting to reassure himself. "The attackers did not have time to do what they wanted, such as completely deploying ransomware, and there was no evidence of a theft of our customers' data at this stage. ยป

The sales network and its 92 stores have been operating in a degraded manner for a few days. Sellers no longer have access, due to piracy, to the status of stocks or current orders. It will take several weeks before a return to normal and the brand will relaunch internal services such as payroll or supplier settlement as a priority. A complaint has been filed with the gendarmerie and the Cnil has been notified.

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