Strasbourg residents energy bill jumps to record high!

Strasbourg: Residents of a district moved up, their energy bill jumped by 152 %

A bad surprise for many households in the Elsau district of Strasbourg. They received a reminder about their heating bill. With sometimes colossal amounts.

And happy end of summer! Many residents of Elsau, a district of Strasbourg, were treated to a nasty surprise in mid-August: a bill reminder for their heating connected to the urban heat network. With amounts up to... 9,000 euros!

Strasbourg residents energy bill

"Some also got them for 6,000, 4,000 and often for more than 1,000 euros, while many had already paid their monthly payment," says Daniel Vidot.

The president of the association of residents of Elsau (Arel) estimates at "a good thirty, or even forty" the number of households who have told him of their grievances.

"And not everyone who lives in the buildings has received the note yet. It's just the detached houses for now.

They should know what sauce they will be eaten in November. ยป

By then, the volunteer hopes that the situation of many residents will have improved.

Come again? "For the largest sums, we are in negotiations. They seem to be bearing fruit but I prefer to be careful. "Because if statement errors are possible, the increase in tariffs is written in black and white. The price of a megawatt hour (MWh) has thus risen from 32.81 to 82.75 euros last year!

Strasbourg residents energy bill supply

Justification of the supplier "Strasbourg Energie"? No questions for 20 Minutes, to which he did not answer. "We were told that it was related to the increase in the price of Russian gas," Daniel Vidot squeaks, finding the argument "aberrant".

Especially since the energy mix is highlighted and contracted for all customers of this network.

A majority share comes from biomass and the city's incineration plant. For a minority share, therefore, about 45%, powered by gas.

So, what solutions for all these families? "We were offered a payment instalment," smiles yellow a mother, whose recall amounts to more than 1,000 euros.

Above all, she is waiting with her husband for the payment of the tariff shield, "maybe in October".

Strasbourg residents energy bill statements

"But we don't know anything for the coming year, what the price of the megawatt hour will be, etc. It's a total blur! ", she emphasizes.

Even the supplier will change. On September 30, a new delegate of this heat network, which supplies 14,000 homes, will take over: exit "Strasbourg Energie", place to "R-CUA".

This does not prevent, from now on, many households from asking questions about their heating means.

"We're going to put an insert in the fireplace, we'll see," announces a resident, explaining that his neighbor has had a heat pump installed.

She did well. "Daniel Vidot is in the same state of mind. "When we bought the land in the 1980s, it was mandatory to take the heat network, there was a clause. The rates have always been very correct and I didn't understand those who were leaving. They may have been right..."

Strasbourg residents energy bill facts

  1. A reminder of an energy bill up to an amount of 9,000 euros? This is what residents of the Elsau district of Strasbourg received.
  2. Powered by an urban heat network, they have seen their service provider increase the price of megawatt hour (MWh) from 32 to 82 euros in one year!
  3. Justification of the supplier "Strasbourg Energie"? No questions for 20 Minutes, to which he did not answer. "We were told that it was related to the increase in the price of Russian gas," says the president of the neighborhood association.
Strasbourg residents energy bill

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