The French Social Security salary increase: the government is asking Social Security to increase the salaries of its agents

The executive wants "a revaluation of the same magnitude as that of the civil service".

The four ministers in charge of Social Security on Thursday asked its various funds (sickness, pension, family) to open negotiations to revalue the index point of their 150,000 employees, based on the 3.5% granted in July to civil servants.

Social Security salary increase

"At the request of the ministers, the employers of the general scheme will open a negotiation with the representative organizations with a view to revaluing the index point of Social Security employees," indicate in a statement Olivier Dussopt (Labor), François Braun (Health), Jean-Christophe Combe (Solidarités) and Gabriel Attal (Budget).

The government wants "a revaluation on the same scale as that of the civil service", in order to "continue to preserve the purchasing power of Social Security employees in a context of unprecedented inflation" (5.8% year-on-year in August), after the revaluation this year of the "30,000 lowest-paid employees" of the social security funds and "an exceptional incentive of 200 euros" for all employees.

Social Security salary increase negociations

The negotiations will have to come to an end quickly because "the objective is for this to be effective as quickly as possible, in the fall," says Jean-Christophe Combe in an interview with Le Parisien.

The executive responds to the passage of a demand from the CFDT, whose secretary general Laurent Berger stressed in an interview with Le Monde on Tuesday that his union was "in action" in several "sectors on the move", first of all "the Social Security agents (who) are demanding a revaluation of the index point".

# Social Security salary increase #

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Mass distribution: Why butter and cream could be missing from the shelves

Stocks have never been lower to approach the end of the year.

Butter could become the next scarce commodity in supermarkets, according to 60 million consumers, this Monday. Stocks are indeed at their lowest. The giant of the sector, Lactalis, which collects more than 5.6 billion liters in France, even speaks of a shortage for butter and cream. The company notes that the milk produced in France contains less fat than before, because of poorer animal food caused by drought. Which forces manufacturers to make imports.

"The collection of milk in the spring usually makes it possible to produce and build up large stocks to compensate for the usual deficit of fat in the second half of the year," explains a spokeswoman for Lactalis to the specialized website. She also points out that stocks have never been so low to approach the end of the year.

The same scenario as for the shortage of oils and especially sunflower is likely to happen again, when the price of the product had jumped by + 25% and + 50% compared to other frying fats. The compulsive purchases of the French had resulted in a shortage. For the Lesieur brand, "there will be no supply problem if the French return to a reasonable purchasing mode" because the brand cultivates and transforms in France.

Some farmers have increased their sunflower production in France and 800,000 hectares have been planted this year against 700,000 usually.

Social Security salary increase

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