How did the Privalia entrepreneurial ecosystem helped the company win over 500 million euros since 2016?

The online outlet Privalia, founded in 2005, was sold in 2016 to the Vente-Priveé fund (currently Veepee) for 500 million euros. The investors took 100% of the capital and the management team remained at the forefront.

The initial negotiations focused on a sale for which some Privalia investors would have received Vente Privée shares in exchange. However, the operation was eventually redesigned and finally Vente Privée acquired Privalia in cash.

The General Atlantic and Sofina funds were the majority, in addition to Nauta, Caixa Capital Risc, Highland, Insight, Index and the co-founders Lucas Carné and José Manuel Villanueva.

Privalia entrepreneurial ecosystem

Between 2006 and 2013, the company raised about 200 million euros in several rounds of financing. He then studied a possible IPO, which he eventually ruled out, to focus on strategic and profitable growth.

Privalia's is one of the most popular exits of the last 25 years, a key exit within the sector and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. It is not for nothing that many consider it the turning point that marked the beginning of a new stage - the golden decade, even an example or a role model.

According to Pablo Fernandez, founder of Clicars, "If I have to highlight an exit, I'll stick with Privalia's. The early nature of the sale (in terms of time of the startup and year of creation) and the amount were a great milestone. In addition, the 2 founders are great references professionally and personally for other entrepreneurs who have gone through the same thing”.

Privalia entrepreneurial ecosystem projects

As serial entrepreneurs, Carné and Villanueva are in a new project called 011, which has just raised 25 million financing in its first round of Series A.

011 is a digital platform focused on industrialized construction and the digitization of each of the components involved in a work. According to them, "with this method, CO₂ emissions can be reduced by 90% and building deadlines shortened by 35%”.

Privalia entrepreneurial ecosystem services

What is Privalia Premium?

Privalia Premium is the new VIP service of Privalia, through which you can benefit from free shipping costs for 3 months and you will access exclusive private sales before the rest of the buyers, being able to calmly choose the clothes that you like the most in a totally privileged way.

For those of us who are shopaholics, if you really make about 1 purchase a month on Privalia, without a doubt Privalia Premium is made for you.

This service is undoubtedly designed to reward the most active users and who can benefit from exclusive access.

Although we would have liked this service to be given by Privalia to the most loyal customers, such as, for example, those who in their history have made more than 20 orders, as is the case with us, however the cost is not exorbitant.

Apart from this, for 9.95 euros you can buy for 3 months without shipping costs. This makes it possible for you to place small orders that before, including shipping costs, were not on your account to order. With this flat rate, if you really place two orders in the period of 3 months you will have undoubtedly monetized the cost.

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