All about the N26 France claim court - French customers of the N26 bank will seek damages.

The Facebook group bringing together the customers who feel aggrieved has nearly 4,000 members denouncing account blockages in particular.

Five N26 customers have decided to take the online bank to court next week, according to information from RMC.

N26 France claim court

They blame the German company for blocking their bank account for several years and for no reason.

All have managed to recover the money in their account but they are now seeking damages.

The procedure consists in filing a civil summons before the judicial court at the place of residence of each of these plaintiffs.

One of them described being unemployed and having to sell his house. However, he was unable to use the 74,000 euros from the transaction, which were still present in his bank account. For three months, N26 blocked the capital "without any explanation," the client claims.

He explained that he wanted to see the company "condemned" so that "they never do it again".

N26 France claim court details

The German online banking has caused many discontents, always following account blockages.

A Facebook group called "Community of customers scammed by N26" thus brings together nearly 4,000 members.

A lawyer representing some aggrieved users claimed to be contacted every day by "about fifteen people" unable to access their account.

She was able to obtain the unblocking of about forty accounts and estimated that some consumers could seek damages.

N26 France claim court practices

Since these practices have come to light, the DGCCRF has launched investigations that are still ongoing.

Dozens of consumers, French, German or Swiss, gathered in a collective, decided to visit the bank's headquarters in Berlin (Germany) on September 30th.

They expect to be received by the management.

For its part, N26 minimizes the impact of this case.

The company said that out of its 2.5 million French customers, it has counted only "a few dozen disputes following account closures.

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N26 France claim court

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