What is the minimum base self-employed pension a person can get?

This is the pension that you collect as a self-employed person if you contribute for the minimum base.

The pensions of the self-employed are lower than those of the employed. The difference is 37.2%, taking into account the average amount.

The main reason why employees have a higher pension is that the majority of self-employed people contribute for the minimum base to Social Security.

According to the National Federation of Associations of Self-Employed Workers (ATA), 9 out of 10 self-employed people contribute by the minimum base, that is, they pay the lowest contribution to Social Security, which is currently 294 euros per month.

Minimum base self-employed pension

This deficiency is intended to be fixed with the new self-employed contribution system, which will enter into force in 2023 and will allow to quote for real income.

However, self-employed people who have already been contributing to Social Security for the minimum base for years will end up noticing it in their pension.

It is true that these freelancers will save money in the short term by paying less fee, but their pension will be noticeably suffered, so it may not be worth it.

Below, it is detailed what is the pension of a self-employed person who contributes for the minimum base.

The first thing you need to know is how retirement is calculated in 2022.

Minimum base self-employed pension data

Social Security makes the calculation taking into account the 25 years prior to retirement. To get 100%, the retirement age is 65 years and a contribution period of 37 years and 6 months must be credited.

If this contribution time is not reached, you must wait until you are 66 years and 2 months. This is the same for both salaried and self-employed people.

To find the amount of the pension you have to add up all the contribution bases for the last 300 months. The result must be divided by 350. This is how you get the regulatory base.

The minimum base for freelancers is 944.40 euros. This, together with the previous calculations, results in the pension will always be less than 1,000 euros per month.

In this way, the self-employed who have paid for the minimum basis for 15 years (the minimum required) will be charged a pension of 226 euros per month, those who have done so for 20 years will have a total of 561 euros per month, while the self-employed who have paid for the minimum during his entire career, access to a pension of 789 per month.

If you want to increase the amount of your pension you will have to contribute for a higher base. This forces you to pay installments higher than 294 euros per month, but you will appreciate it in the future.

Minimum base self-employed pension list

  1. Self-employed people receive lower pensions than employed people. This is because many quote for the minimum basis.
  2. This is what a self-employed person who contributes to Social Security for the minimum receives as a pension.
  3. This is the pension that you collect as a self-employed person if you contribute for the minimum base.

The pensions of the self-employed are lower than those of the employed. The difference is 37.2%, taking into account the average amount.

The main reason why employees have a higher pension is that the majority of self-employed people contribute for the minimum base to Social Security.

According to the National Federation of Associations of Self-Employed Workers (ATA), 9 out of 10 self-employed people contribute by the minimum base, that is, they pay the lowest contribution to Social Security, which is currently 294 euros per month.

This deficiency is intended to be fixed with the new self-employed contribution system, which will enter into force in 2023 and will allow to quote for real income.

However, self-employed people who have already been contributing to Social Security for the minimum base for years will end up noticing it in their pension.

It is true that these freelancers will save money in the short term by paying less fee, but their pension will be noticeably suffered, so it may not be worth it.

Below, it is detailed what is the pension of a self-employed person who contributes for the minimum base.

Minimum base self-employed pension news

The first thing you need to know is how retirement is calculated in 2022.

Social Security makes the calculation taking into account the 25 years prior to retirement. To get 100%, the retirement age is 65 years and a contribution period of 37 years and 6 months must be credited.

If this contribution time is not reached, you must wait until you are 66 years and 2 months. This is the same for both salaried and self-employed people.

To find the amount of the pension you have to add up all the contribution bases for the last 300 months. The result must be divided by 350. This is how you get the regulatory base.

The minimum base for freelancers is 944.40 euros. This, together with the previous calculations, results in the pension will always be less than 1,000 euros per month.

In this way, the self-employed who have paid for the minimum basis for 15 years (the minimum required) will be charged a pension of 226 euros per month, those who have done so for 20 years will have a total of 561 euros per month, while the self-employed who have paid for the minimum during his entire career, access to a pension of 789 per month.

If you want to increase the amount of your pension you will have to contribute for a higher base. This forces you to pay installments higher than 294 euros per month, but you will appreciate it in the future.

Minimum base self-employed pension summary

  1. Self-employed people receive lower pensions than employed people. This is because many quote for the minimum basis.
  2. This is what a self-employed person who contributes to Social Security for the minimum receives as a pension.

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Minimum base self-employed pension
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