The summer is here - with the Alister Moreno Clikalia interview: "The best is always the one that is about to arrive".

Francisco Alister Moreno is a man accustomed to always maintaining a moderate optimism. He did it in 2017, when, together with his partner Pablo Fernández, he was encouraged to found Clikalia, a startup obsessed with digitizing the real estate market.

The idea was the result of his years of experience in the USA. There, Moreno focused on the ability of Americans to use technology to accelerate all kinds of businesses, even those that are heavier on paper, such as the sale and rental of real estate.

At that time, Spain still had fresh in its memory the consequences of an economic crisis caused precisely, among many other things, by the harmful dynamics of the housing market. Founding a startup focused on accelerating it made more than one person twist the gesture.

Alister Moreno Clikalia interview

But Moreno did it. The operation of Clikalia is easy to explain but extraordinarily complicated to execute. Basically, the company detects an interesting property, acquires it, reforms it and, in about 3 months, sells it.

In between, a very complex data management system tries to guarantee that the apartment is the right one, that the company that reforms it is effective, that the buyer is solvent and that the sale price is good for everyone.

Moreno thinks that the best summer is always the one that is about to come.

The idea seems to be taken from a motivational phrase written on a coffee cup, but it takes on another deeper meaning if we remember that it is pronounced by a man who, at the age of 39, leads a company that raised 460 million euros at the end of 2021.

Alister Moreno Clikalia interview details

Until then, no Spanish startup had ever received so much money. So yes, without a doubt, at least in Clikalia, it seems that the best summers are yet to come.

This is the summer of Francisco Alister Moreno, CEO and founder of Clikalia.

Question: What do you like most about summer and what can't you stand?

Answer: What I like the most is having time to read and see friends that I don't see during the winter. I can't stand traffic jams.

Q. What effect does summer have on your motivation?

A. The sun and vitamin D always help to recharge batteries and also give the opportunity to gain more perspective on future strategies.

Q. Are you one of those who try to keep getting up early in the summer or do you let the clock run a little more in the mornings?

A. I usually keep the same schedules, but I take the opportunity to have breakfast with the family and start the work day a little later.

Q. Your trick to disconnect on vacation...

A. Playing sports that require concentration such as cycling, sailing…

Q. What do you do in the summer that has no place the rest of the year?

A. Precisely, what I do most is sail.

Q. What memories do you have of summer when you were growing up?

A. The gang of friends from the beach.

Q. What was the best summer of your life?

A. The best summer is always the one that starts.

Q. What is the best food you can have in summer?

Alister Moreno Clikalia interview news

A. Any meal with family and lifelong friends.

Q. When you travel by plane, do you choose window, aisle or the middle seat?

A. Yes, it helps me to reflect. In addition, I like to look at the cities from the air to visualize everything we are going to do in them.

Q. Are you planning a weekend getaway: hotel or Airbnb?

A. Airbnb.

Q. Beach, mountain, lake, cruise, camping, city, adventure, desert, safari? What represents you. Which one wouldn't you try?

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Alister Moreno Clikalia interview
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