How did the AlienVault entrepreneurial ecosystem helped the brand since August 2018 access over 600 million euros as revenue?

This company, founded in 2007 by the Spaniards Julio Casal, Alberto Román and the Frenchman Dominique Karg, has a free software cybersecurity platform that allows researchers and professionals to share information about possible attacks.

The millionaire transaction entered directly into the top positions of the ranking of sales of Spanish startups. As a result, AlienVault's workforce, then made up of 400 people, about 40 of them in Spain, joined AT&T.

Although the movement occurred a few years ago, the global cybersecurity industry is experiencing a great acceleration thanks to the digitization of companies and society.

AlienVault entrepreneurial ecosystem

Alien Vault Open Source


(Open Source Security Information Management) wants to fill a gap in the needs that the professional groups of the security world meet every day.

It is surprising that with the strong technological development produced in recent years has provided us with tools with capabilities such as those of the IDS (An intrusion detection system or its intrusion Detection System), is so complex from a security point of view of obtaining a vision of a network with a degree of abstraction that allows a practical review and assumable.

AlienVault entrepreneurial ecosystem details

The initial intention in the development of this project is to improve this situation through a function that we could summarize with the name of: Correlation or the possibility of obtaining visibility of all the events of the systems at one point and with the same format, and through this privileged situation relate and process the information allowing to increase the detection capacity, prioritize events according to the context in which they occur, and monitor the security status of our network.

Along the way we have encountered new needs that have allowed us to increase the accuracy of our system, developing the capacity that is already part of the core of
OSSI uses risk assessment as a way to decide in each case the need to execute an action through the assessment of the threat posed by an event against an asset, taking into account the reliability and probability of occurrence of this event.

AlienVault entrepreneurial ecosystem highlights

From this moment our system becomes more complex because it has to be able to implement a Security Policy, the Network Inventory will offer us real-time Risk Monitoring, all configured and managed from a Framework.

This project wants to be a sample of the ability in the world of open source to grow and provide leading solutions in specific sectors such as the security of networks, where the solutions of the free world provide another important value: the auditability or audit capacity of the systems that we installed in our network.

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AlienVault entrepreneurial ecosystem
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