Alcampo buys Dia supermarkets for 267 million euros: the operation affects 3,600 workers.

Alcampo has reached an agreement to buy 235 supermarkets from Dia in an operation that amounts to 267 million euros, as the latter has communicated to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), where it has influenced the details of the sale.

The perimeter of the operation is limited to supermarkets with an average size of around 760 square meters and covering an approximate commercial area of 180,000 square meters.

Alcampo buys Dia supermarkets

These commercial enclaves are located in the Autonomous Communities of Madrid, Aragon, Asturias, Castilla y León, Galicia, Cantabria, Navarra and the Basque Country. The maneuver also includes a warehouse that Dia owns in Villanubla, in Valladolid.

"These points of sale will be integrated into the Alcampo network, strengthening the company wherever it is present and favoring that, where it is not, new customers can access the brands, products and services both in physical stores and through online commerce," they explain.

The points sold, Dia himself points out, do not fit with the current strategy of the group that is, now, betting on proximity establishments.

"Grupo Dia has taken this decision in order to reinvest the funds obtained in accelerating the business in Spain through its new neighborhood store model," they point out.

Alcampo buys Dia supermarkets details

With this new path, they explain, it has been possible "to redirect the company's course towards the path of profitability and growth in a unique format in Spain".

"Since May 2020, we have consistently fulfilled our roadmap to achieve an effective change of course for our company," says Dia Group Executive Chairman Stephan DuCharme.

The transaction is subject to the approval of the competition authorities and other consents that are expected to be obtained during the coming weeks.

The transmission of the operation's portfolio will begin as soon as the approvals are received and will be carried out by blocks of establishments grouped on different dates. All transmissions are expected to be completed by mid-2023.

Alcampo buys Dia supermarkets points

The CCOO union, which points to April 15, 2023 as the date of the operation, has stressed the importance of safeguarding labor guarantees for the affected workers.

If completed, the integration in Alcampo will affect a total of 3,600 Dia workers.

From CCOO they understand that this corporate operation seems to have a business logic from the perspective of both sizing and expanding the proximity format by Alcampo.

However, the union specifies that it will focus its demands on demanding express guarantees of the maintenance of employment and working conditions of this workforce. They will do this by signing an integration labor agreement with the legal representation of the workers.

Alcampo buys Dia supermarkets summary

  1. The Alcampo chain has reached an agreement to buy 235 supermarkets from Dia for a price of 267 million euros.
  2. It will affect 3,600 company workers, who would move to Alcampo.

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Alcampo buys Dia supermarkets
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