Intrigued by the subject of Goya anniversary new gold silver coins ? These are the 5 new gold and silver coins gave for the commemoration of Goya, with a cost of as much as 1,800 euros.

You would now be able to convey a work of Francisco de Goya in your pocket, paying under 100 euros: the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (FNMT) has given 5 coins with artworks by Goya to celebrate the 275th commemoration of his introduction to the world, on March 30, 1746, in Fuendetodos (Zaragoza).

This is a typical act of the FNMT, which for quite a long time has been giving coins on various occasions and characters: from Salvador Dalí and Emilia Pardo Bazán to around the world, football contests or the Battle of Lepanto.

On this event, the public element has chosen to honor the popular Spanish painter with the dispatch this Monday, December 20, of 5 coins, gold or silver: 3 square coins with a worth of 10 euros, a coin of 50 euros and one more of 400 euros.

These are sold both separately and in assortments and have starting costs going from 65 euros to 1,800 euros (barring VAT), albeit later on they could be worth significantly more: in the arrangement distributed in the BOE it is accounted for that "the underlying costs of these monetary standards might be modified, up or down" in the event of vacillations in the costs of gold and silver.

Goya anniversary new gold silver coins

This if "the authority market costs comparing to the valuable metals utilized in their creation and stamping experience vacillations more noteworthy than 4% of the number juggling normal of the day by day costs of the month preceding said legitimacy, adjusting the upsides of the metals utilized and, subsequently, the underlying retail costs set up", states.

3 square coins of 10 euros

The FNMT has given 3 distinctive square coins of 10 euros, each with a greatest mintage of 5,000 pieces and an underlying selling cost of 65 euros (barring VAT).
The parasol, indented Dog and The kite are Goya's works that show up on the front-side of these pieces, while the 3 offer a similar opposite: it imitates the sculpture of Goya, made by Mariano Benlliure Gil in 1902 and situated before the Goya Door of the Prado National Museum, in Madrid.

The converse additionally shows the year (2021), the assumed worth (10 euros) and the legend of "275 commemoration Francisco de Goya". The 3 coins are silver and square (36 x 36 mm), with a load of 31.41 g, as indicated by Visual Numismatics.

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Goya anniversary new gold silver coins

A coin of 50 euros (fifty)

Also, the assortment for the 275th commemoration of the introduction of Francisco de Goya incorporates a coin with a presumptive worth of 50 euros, called cincuentín, and with an underlying retail cost (barring VAT) of 300 euros.

For this situation, the front recreates a section of the work entitled La vendimia o El otoño, painted by Goya y Lucientes in 1786, which is protected in the Museo Nacional del Prado, with" España"," La vendimia"," 2021 " and the painter's mark encompassing it.

The converse replicates the work Self-picture. Francisco Goya y Lucientes, painter, made by him somewhere in the range of 1797 and 1799, just as the assumed worth, the legend of the commemoration and the picture of a hand holding a brush.

This silver coin has a distance across of 73 mm and a most extreme mintage of 2,000 units.

Goya anniversary new gold silver coins

A coin of 400 euros (8 escudos)

At last, the assortment of new Goya coins is finished with a gold coin of 400 euros as a presumptive worth and 1,800 euros as an underlying retail cost (barring VAT).

The front duplicates the work The Dream of Reason produces beasts, painted by Goya somewhere in the range of 1796 and 1797 and saved in the Prado, while the converse contains the proliferation of a Self-Portrait. Francisco Goya y Lucientes, painter, with the legend of the commemoration, the presumptive worth, the nation and the year.

The most extreme mintage of this coin, 38 mm in distance across and 27 grams in weight, is 1,000 pieces.

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