The government opens companies deploy private 5G networks outside the telecos, which fear losing contracts millionaires as the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, led by Minister Nadia Calviño, has reserved a package of radio frequencies so that private companies can develop their own mobile connection networks with 5G technology, as explained on Wednesday Expansión.

From the Ministry explain that the movement aims to implement the new 5G technology in areas that go far beyond mobile telephony or fixed broadband services provided by telecommunications operators. In other words, private companies will not be able to create infrastructure or deploy networks to market to the public, but will only be able to self-provide services.

Who could deploy such networks? In principle it can be any type of company, but it seems that the regulation would be focused mainly on the development of industrial automation, so it is aimed directly at electricity, gas or water distribution companies. These types of companies have already made similar deployments with fibre optic networks to provide services and put surplus capacity on the market.

In Spain, the National Frequency Allocation Table (CNAF) is the body responsible for reserving and attributing each of the frequency bands in which the available radio spectrum, ranging between 8.3 kHz and 3000 GHz, is divided to make communications possible. Each band of the radio spectrum is intended for the use of a technology. For example, Europe sets the band between 3.4 GHz and 3.8 GHz (3,400 and 3,800 MHz) as the main band for the introduction of 5G technology.

Government opens companies deploy private 5G networks

What the Government has now done, through the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, is to allocate the 2.3 GHz band for the deployment of these private networks outside the telecos in the draft ministerial order to modify the CNAF. Within this band, which represents a total block of 100 MHz, 20 MHz will be allocated to the development of private networks, which corresponds to 20% of the total band. In Germany, for example, the percentage of bands between 3.4 GHz and 3.8 GHz destined for private networks is 25%.

The National Commission of Markets and Competition has valued “very positively” the update of the National Framework of Frequency Allocation (CNAF) promoted by the Government. However, it also highlights that "the volume of reserved spectrum could be insufficient to cover the different use cases that, in the field of industry 4.0, 5G technology will allow to develop"

Government opens companies deploy private 5G networks

The implementation of 5G in the industrial fabric is undoubtedly the challenge of the coming decades. This technology will allow the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) that will mean a revolution in automation and optimization processes in the industrial sector.

On the other hand, the decision seems to have the opposition of the operators, as explained by Expansion, only a few weeks ago came to the auction network 5G to allocate the 700 MHz band and were 1,010 million euros —Vodafone and Orange 350 million each, and Telephone 310 million—.

The 3 operators had complained the months before the auction of the high starting price, since they currently live suffocated by the high competitiveness of their market and the fall in revenues. In this sense, large operators see this decision as a threat to their sector, since they understand that some contracts with large companies are at risk if they decide to deploy their own networks and, even, they denounce that the regulation could give rise to the appearance of new competitors.

Government opens companies deploy private 5G networks

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Sneakers capitalize on the rise of sports fashion: the giants of the sector concentrate more than 50% of their business in footwear

Sneakers are the jewel in the crown of sports fashion and the figures attest: Nike, Adidas, Puma, Anta and Under Armour concentrated more than 50% of their total sales in footwear, and the rest was divided between clothing and equipment or accessories, according to the specialized portal Modaes.

The rise of running and, especially, athleisure-a trend that goes through wearing sportswear in events that are not properly— has led to footwear concrete 52.09% of sales compared to 51.45% a year before, before the pandemic broke out.

Despite this, in 2020, sales fell by 8.12%, to 126,786 million dollars ( 106,749 million in euros). Of course, while all categories fell, footwear represented one of the least negative evolutions of all fashion sales.

Looking ahead, Euromonitor forecasts that global sales of sports shoes will stand at 140,065 million dollars in 2021 (117,929 million euros), which will mean an increase of 10.47%% compared to the year of the pandemic.

At the end of the last year, Nike sold footwear worth 23,596 million euros (28,021 million dollars), more than double that of clothing, which reached 12,865 million dollars (10,835 million in euros). The Oregon giant thus becomes the group that concentrates a greater percentage of its sales in footwear, accounting for 62.91% of total business compared to 62.31% of the previous year.

Similar Pace presents Under Armour, where penetration of this category skyrockets to levels similar to those of Nike, with 64.42% at the end of 2020 and 69.79% in 2019.

For its part, Adidas has reduced its dependence on footwear, although it still exceeds 50%. At the end of 2020, this category represented 56.08% of the sales of the German group, with 11,128 million euros, compared to 7,687 million euros of clothing. In 2019, footwear represented 57.20% of sales, with 13,521 million euros.

At Puma, the third largest international sports brand, footwear represented 45.23% of its sales in 2020, with 2,368 million euros in turnover, compared to 1,974 million euros provided by clothing. In 2019, footwear accounted for 46.39% of the group's sales.

If you look at the behavior of Anta, this is the giant of sports brands with a lower weight of footwear, with only 35.76% at the end of 2020, Cardiff Cathays letting agency 2Let2 Cardiff

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