Zsolt received Apple Watch 5 Christmas, which saved his life - Zsolt Varga is a 45-year-old man living in Budapest with his wife and little boy who has come to us with the following story: he got an Apple Watch 5 for Christmas, and it looks like he saved his life on the smart watch. She wouldn't have thought she had any health problems since she had no symptoms - but the clock warned her to see a doctor.

The story began under the tree on Christmas Eve. Zsolt tells the story of his Christmas present: “I got an Apple Watch 5 at Christmas. I got my hands on it right away because I'm very interested - I've been working in the IT industry for over 20 years, I'm interested in such new things. As soon as I put it on my hand, at the first measurement, the clock immediately read that I had atrial fibrillation, which, as I learned later, is one of a kind of arrhythmia. At first I thought I didn't peel off any of the sensors or something like that. I wanted to make sure there was no problem with the device. I tried it on the hands of my family members, I did the measurement there, it was good for everyone, only he wrote the message of atrial fibrillation. I waited for a day, I did the measurements for my other family members, everything was good for everyone. ”

Zsolt received Apple Watch 5 Christmas

To renew your license. That measurement hadn't shown anything yet, and Zsolt had no reason to suspect anything. As he says, “From my age, there was no reason for me to look for heart problems. So far I've been healthy and haven't seen any sign of anything with me or my heart. "

Although he never had symptoms, he eventually decided to seek a doctor, informally but nevertheless insignificant. “There is a feature that allows you to manually transmit the manually measured ECG in a pdf from your iPhone. I saved him and sent this to a doctor friend to look at him. He said this is not a bagatell thing, I should go to a doctor anyway. ”

Zsolt then waited for the holidays and went to the emergency room on the first working day. He didn't want to wait too long for the seemingly insignificant investigation - he still thought it might be a mistake. Here's what happened when you went to see a doctor based on a finding from your watch:

    When I was on my first day of work, I went to the emergency room, had an ECG, and it confirmed the same result that the clock showed: I really have atrial fibrillation, and that is a risk because I can get a blood clot in my heart, lung, heart or brain, it can have fatal consequences such as stroke.

    They immediately gave me a referral for an urgent hospital examination to go to the cardiac ward of the district hospital immediately, but the doctor told me to leave this ward only by ambulance or taxi, not allowing me to drive my own car. He should never have come here like that! I could only take the elevator upstairs there, not the stairs, it was already scary.

    At this point the more serious investigation began, they were very kind to me, and for a minute they did not behave negatively about the clock. ECG, X-ray, blood sampling, I got a blood thinner immediately. Because of the results, they invested in the 24 hour sub-intensive. At that time I had a very bad feeling, the situation was scary, I was wondering if this ceiling I was now staring at would be the last. That's when I decided that once I got to the end of it, I'd definitely pass on the story that this hour really saved my life.

Zsolt was kept under observation for three days, followed by a thorough cardiac ultrasound examination, and then underwent an electrical cardioversion procedure. This means that it is knocked out under anesthesia with a defibrillator, thus rebounding to a regular heart rate. After the intervention, Zsolt returned to his normal sinus rhythm and returned to the family on New Year's Day, but unfortunately the story is not over yet.

“Second, my watch signaled that I had atrial fibrillation. The next morning I called the chief doctor, who was my doctor in the hospital. He told me to go in as soon as I could - and it was confirmed that the clock was good again. They put me in the locker room again, and 1 hour later I was lying on the body again with the electrodes on my body and I received a pacemaker. The treatment lasted three days, but unfortunately it did not work, so they tried the electrical cardioversion again. ”

Zsolt then regained his regular heart rate after two rashes, but was then sent home to take his pacemaker.

Of course he continued to use the smart watch to monitor his heart: “After that, I always checked my ECG at the clock and always wrote that I had a sinus rhythm. I was home for two days - but then my arrhythmia came back. ”

There was nothing else left for Zsolt to see the doctor for the third time, but this time he would have to undergo another intervention. This is called catheter ablation and involves the insertion of a catheter through an artery into the heart and the destruction of an irregular impulse nucleus via radio frequencies. Except for the clock-marked atrial fibrillation, Zsolt is still asymptomatic, meaning that if he hadn't been for the Apple Watch, he would still not have known that this life-threatening condition was present. When we talked, he was waiting for catheter ablation at the exact time.

When I asked him if he knew what caused his atrial fibrillation, he said, "in principle, all the major causes that could cause it were: thyroid problem, sugar, high blood pressure ... None of them could be mine. the reason, so it's probably genetic. "

Well, here is Zsolt's story, and he added so much as a conclusion:

    Doctors said they had never heard of anyone walking in with their watch signaled to see a doctor. But we are already in an age where an hour can send a person to the hospital!