YouTube Channel Prospective Scholars Disappear, This Is the Cause

The Prospective Scholar YouTube Channel suddenly disappeared after briefly making a scene due to a case of content plagiarism some time ago. What caused it?

As is known, the Candidate Scholar YouTube channel was first reportedly disappeared on Wednesday (22/1) night. But today, Thursday (1/23) the channel returned after changing the name of the Prospective Scientist channel which is still his brother to become a Candidate for Bachelor.

Regarding the loss of the Channels of Candidates for Scholars who used to have 13 million subscribers, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) also opened its voice. Acting Head of the Ministry of Communication and Information Bureau Ferdinandus Setu said the removal of the YouTube channel for Prospective Scholars was not a request from the Ministry of Communication and Information.

YouTube Channel Prospective Scholars Disappear

"It turned out that YouTube was suspended because of IPR violations. Many prospective scholars' accounts use video thumbnails belonging to other accounts abroad without permission.

The information given by the Ministry of Communication and Information is in line with what was revealed by JT, YouTuber who some time ago revealed the practice of plagiarism of Bachelor Candidates after the content was copied.

In his video titled 'i terminated a YouTuber with 13 MILLION Subs ...', JT said after revealing the practices of the Prospective Scholar, he successfully filed a copyright strike against the Candidate Scholar video which mimics its content.

So before the Prospective Scholar publicly apologizes and removes his video that mimics JT content, JT successfully claims copyright infringement on YouTube. For information, after getting three copyright strikes from third parties, the channel found to be in violation will be deleted by YouTube.

After that, JT saw a number of other videos made by Bachelor Candidates who also mimic the content created by other YouTubers. He immediately contacted several YouTubers whose content was copied by Prospective Scholars via Twitter.

"So I was one of the strikes, and of course it took three strikes to delete the account, and I was one of them," JT said in his video.

"I then contacted every YouTuber whose video was stolen via Twitter. I sent them a link and told me what to do, and it looks like two of them sent a strike," he continued.

The disappearance of the Scholar Candidate channel itself was welcomed by netizens with excitement. Some even joked that this channel disappeared because of the bachelor candidates who had graduated and graduated.

"Graduation Scholarship Candidates? Revision is the thesis," joked a netizen on Twitter.

Ari Haryo Wibowo Harjojudanto alias Ari Sigit has been questioned as a witness for the MeMiles bulging investment case for 6 hours. There was a testimony from the grandson of the 2nd President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soeharto, who had surprised the police.

This investigation began when East Java Regional Police investigators scheduled to request information from the Cendana Family related to the MeMiles case. The investigator then summoned 3 members of the Cendana Family namely Ari Sigit with his wife, Frederica Francisca Callebaut and Ari Sigit's mother, Ilsye A Rahmawati.

But on Wednesday 22 January 2020, only Ari Sigit fulfilled the police summons. While Ari Sigit's wife and mother were unable to attend and asked for a reschedule. Ari then underwent an examination at the East Java Regional Police Headquarters, Jalan Ahmad Yani, Surabaya, on Wednesday 22 January 2020 from 10:25 WIB until 16.00 WIB.

Investigator's astonishment at Ari Sigit's confession was initially expressed by East Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Luki Hermawan. Luki claimed that investigators were surprised that Ari Sigit received MeMiles funds. In fact, Ari Sigit is not a member of MeMiles and is not a top up. "We see, from the results of this examination, what is clear is that there are still additions, because there is a flow of funds in, there is a reward received," said Luki, who was reluctant to specify the size of the flow of funds.

"Well, this is what we handle how much cash flow is received and as what. But in this (Ari Sigit) does not exist as a member, not top up, but there is a flow of funds in. If his wife was indeed top up, member," said Luki.