Worrying rise uninhibited homophobia Europe: Homophobia is on the rise in Europe. Physical assaults increased in 2019. Hatred towards homosexuals is no longer hidden, but it is now asserted and displayed by homophobes, whether on social networks or on the streets.

In Hungary, the LGBT community seems to have become the new “target” of the ruling ultra-conservatives. Viktor Orban’s nationalist government has so far shown little interest in sexual minorities, preferring to criticize foreigners, but today the tenors of Fidesz, the Prime Minister’s party, are increasingly expressing their homophobia. Florence La Bruyère reports in Budapest.

Worrying rise uninhibited homophobia Europe

In Poland, it is also increasingly difficult to be lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans. Attacks by the ultra-conservatives in power are incessant, especially since the adoption in early 2019 of a municipal charter in Warsaw protecting sexual minorities. Anti-LGBT people bomb the chest. The Archbishop of Krakow speaks of "rainbow plague" and more than 80 communities, won over to the ruling party, have declared themselves "free from LGBT ideology". Explanations from Thomas Giraudeau.

Is homosexuality a disease? Here is an example of an old homophobic prejudice that is popping up in the UK. Homophobia is on the rise, particularly among young British people, according to a study carried out on more than 1,500 people and commissioned by an association combating violence against LGBT people.
Attacks on homosexuals have also increased. In London, Marie Billon.

Medicines, too expensive!
The price of medicines varies by country. This is the case even within the European Union. For example, Belgian citizens pay more for their medicines than in France, or in Germany. This can go up to double depending on the medication. The harmonization desired by certain elected members of the European Parliament is not on the agenda. Many Belgians therefore do not hesitate to cross borders to obtain supplies. Report in Belgium by Alice Debatis from RTBF.

Ireland wants parity in its universities
Equality between men and women is far from being achieved ... In Ireland, universities are still very masculine. To rebalance the positions and get closer to parity, the Ministry of Higher Education decided to open positions reserved for women ... Emeline Vin, 20 professors with an E must be appointed by September 2020 ...

Matthew Caruana Galizia, son of the murdered Maltese journalist
Over two years ago, in Malta, investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered after speaking out about serious corruption at the highest state summit. Her family is mobilized to find out the truth and complete the investigation. In this struggle, Matthew Caruana Galizia, 33, the journalist's eldest son, is on the front line. Her portrait by Juliette Gheerbrant.

TRENDING: 7 billion neighbors with Homophobia and conversion therapies

Healing prayers, demon hunts, these are the practices for "restoring" young gay men and women to bring them back to "heterosexuality or abstinence".

Conversion therapies that French deputies intend to ban with a bill planned for spring 2020. Two journalists have investigated these very closed homophobic environments and the dangers of these practices for young people.

Elena is an assumed name, 24 years old. Born to a French father and a Greek mother, she grew up in Greece until the age of 18. She underwent conversion therapy carried out, not by a religious group, but by a real psychiatrist, in Greece.