Bidding for the source code of the World Wide Web starts at $ 1,000:World Wide Web source code NFT format bid -  its creator auctions it as a digital work of art in NFT format.

30 years after writing the World Wide Web code, which changed the world forever, British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee auctions the original file in NFT (non-expendable tokens) format. This blockchain-based technology provides authenticity to some digital files that are characterized by being unique, indivisible, transferable and of proven scarcity.

The source code is open, so the value of the lot that put up for sale auction house Sotherby's from 1,000 dollars (about 840 euros) lies in its status as an exclusive product, as if it were a work of art. The NFT are assuming a boom in this sector, which last year generated about 210 million euros, with some works that have been sold over half a million euros.

World Wide Web source code NFT format bid

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Now Berners-Lee auctions the autographed digital copy of the archive that is one of the pillars of the internet. As Sotherby's points out on the auction page, this code "was written in the Objective C programming language, using the Interface Builder on a NeXT computer, an innovative and very influential computer designed by Steve Jobs between the time he was expelled from Apple in 1985 and when he rejoined in 1997".

The batch is composed of the original document with the 9,555 lines of code created between October 3, 1990 and August 24, 1991, which includes implementations in the 3 languages and protocols invented by Berners-Lee: HTML, HTTP and URI, as well as the original HTML documents that taught the web to the first users.

World Wide Web source code NFT format bid

The auction also includes a 30-minute video showing how the code is being written on the screen, a digital poster and a letter in format written this month by the father of web pages. In the digital missive, Berners Lee indicates that"it has been fun to go back and review the code".

World Wide Web source code NFT format bid: "It's amazing to see the things that those relatively few lines of code, with the help of an amazing gang of contributors from all over the world, kept themselves on track enough to become what the web is now. I never felt that I could relax and sit as the net was and is constantly changing. It's still not as good as it could be: there's always work to be done!", adds the creator of the website in the letter. The auction will admit bids until next June 30.

World Wide Web source code NFT format bid

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This is how SMEs face the recovery: 1 in 10 plans to reduce staff in 2021, especially those who have taken advantage of ERTE, are under 10 years old and are dedicated to the service sector

After closing a 2020 marked by the crisis, the paralysis and the uncertainty that has accompanied the coronavirus pandemic, Spanish SMEs are facing the beginning of recovery after having saved a chaotic year, in which 1 in 2 European small and medium-sized companies were at risk of bankruptcy due to the fall in their revenues and in which the support of government stimulus measures was necessary to guarantee the survival of many of them.

Crossed the equator, 2021, smes have a new battery in direct aid approved in march, and the expectation of the arrival of the european funds Next Generation EU to try to close the year, confirming the economic recovery that is already beginning to be seen in some indicators, but that has yet to settle in the sectors most affected by the crisis.

To measure the effects of the coronavirus on SMEs and their expectations of recovery, the General Council of Economists, the Chamber of Commerce of Spain and the Faedpyme foundation have prepared a study, called Sme Report 2021: Economic Impact of COVID-19 on SMEs in Spain, which they presented this Thursday with the intention of supporting the development of public and private strategies to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises.

"The pandemic has left scars," he assured the president of the Chamber of Commerce, José Luis Bonet, who stressed that the recovery began in 2021 and to be completed by the end of 2022, despite the fact that it recognizes that smes have been the most impacted by the crisis because of their smaller size and by having more financial difficulties, internationalization and innovation, as well as its exposure to sectors such as the services which has been noted that belong to a 80% of smes.

Bonet has stated that the report includes data that generate optimism, although he has highlighted the importance for Spain that 99.9% of its business fabric is reactivated completely. "The game of recovery will be played in SMEs, because large companies will be sure with PERTES [Strategic Projects for Recovery and Economic Transformation], while in SMEs we risk the transformation of the Spanish productive model, whose result will be a model of growth more solid, sustainable and inclusive", he added.

In fact, the report of the Chamber, the CGE and Faedpyme reveals that, in 2020, 1 in 4 SMEs destroyed jobs, while 2 in 3 managed to maintain it and the remaining 12% increased their workforce despite the pandemic. As for its turnover, the average drop in sales stood at -12.8%, with 52.6% of SMEs losing revenue, compared to 26% that managed to maintain them and 21% that increased its turnover last year.

Salvador Marín, coordinator of the report, stressed that both the fall in employment and income was more significant among micro-SMEs and small businesses, with a decrease in staff of 24.3% and 26.6%, respectively, and falls in sales of 60.8% in the case of companies with less than 9 workers and 51.5% in those with less than 50. However, Marín pointed out that, in the second half, expectations are more favourable.

As the previous graph shows, job expectations improve, with 15.4% of SMEs anticipating increasing their workforce and 74.9% predicting that they will keep jobs, a situation that Salvador Marín has considered to be more common among medium-sized companies and those with more years of experience. On the other hand, the percentage of SMEs that plan to destroy jobs falls to 9.6%, a more common phenomenon among those that have availed themselves of a Temporary Employment Regulation (ERTE) File or in those that belong to the services sector.

In particular, 1 in 3 SMEs that used ERTS or ERES cut their workforce in 2020, while in 2021 only 13.4% of small businesses in this situation expect to have to continue destroying jobs. Regarding the sectoral impact, SMEs in services and industry were the ones that decreased the most employment, by 29.5% and 25.9%, respectively, and are the ones that most expect layoffs in 2021, with 11.6% and 10.7%.

For this reason, the president of the CGE, Valentine Pich, has been advocated for the presentation that will provide additional support to smes in ERTE to prevent further destruction of employment and business fabric, recalling also that the improvement of expectations for 2021 could also be due to the disappearance of some smes that did not prevent bankruptcy during the pandemic.

However, for the rest of the year, the forecasts of staff cuts among small and medium-sized enterprises benefiting from ERTE or ERE improve by almost 20 percentage points, given that SMEs in this situation who expect to reduce employment fall to 13.4%, compared to 6.9% among those who have not benefited from the suspension of employment. They increase by 10 points those that plan to maintain and create jobs throughout 2021.

With regard to turnover expectations, the report highlights an improvement in the forecasts for the second half of the year compared to those for the first half of 2021, as shown in the previous graphs, in which it is also shown that 15.6% of SMEs that made online sales significantly improve their forecasts of income from sales through internet.

Thus, between the first and second half have increased by 12.5 percentage points SMEs that anticipate more revenue, while they were reduced by 4.8 points those that do not predict large turnover changes and 7.6 points those that anticipate less sales. Among that 15% of SMEs that make online sales, 1 in 2 expects more revenue and only 8.7% expects cuts in their turnover during 2021.

As for the segmentation between SMEs in ERTE and ERE with respect to those that have not resorted to these measures, expectations also improve. Thus, 71.6% of SMEs with job suspension saw their income fall in 2020, while 27.1% expected in the first half that this situation would be repeated this year, a percentage that has fallen more than 10 percentage points for the second half of the year.

By sector, industrial SMEs suffered the most revenue falls in 2020, with 60.1%, a situation that remains in 2021, although equating to the expectations of services businesses, given that around 25% of SMEs in both sectors expected less income in the first half and around 16% maintain that forecast for the second.

Salvador Marín has also emphasized that companies with less than 10 years of activity have worse records and forecasts that the more mature, also pointing out that the percentage of smes that have been seen to be reduced to its billing international reached 47.2% and those that have cut their target markets pose 30.6%, phenomena that affect micro, business ERTE or ERE and with less seniority.

Salvador Marín has also emphasized that companies with less than 10 years of activity have worse records and forecasts that the more mature, also pointing out that the percentage of smes that have been seen to be reduced to its billing international reached 47.2% and those that have cut their target markets pose 30.6%, phenomena that affect micro, business ERTE or ERE and with less seniority.

Thus, the head of the study has highlighted that the most affected in terms of the organization of the smes have been their supply chains, in addition to the increase of their payment conditions, the hardening of payment terms from suppliers and the cancellation of orders by customers, while the losses due to non-payment by the consumer represent a minor importance in the results of the report, based on interviews with 960 sme sectors and different sizes.

Regarding how SMEs have adapted their operations, the majority of businesses surveyed have indicated that they have implemented specific changes in their day to day to respond to the pandemic, in addition to indicating modifications in their offer of products or services to attract more customers, to lower prices or, to a lesser extent, to resort to subcontracting part of their operations.

On the other hand, Marin has highlighted that innovative activity has declined for the coronavirus, reversing the upward trend that showed up to the pandemic despite the aforementioned changes or improvements in its products and services, modifying processes with the acquisition of new equipment or to innovate in their systems of governance and management.

As for access to credit, Salvador Marín said that almost 56% have requested lines of financing from banks, within what he has pointed out the impact of loans guaranteed by the Official Credit Institute, which were included among the first stimulus measures at the beginning of the pandemic. 40% of companies have been self-financed, a factor that has stood out as more typical of family businesses.

In addition, Marín pointed out that the report reveals that 16% of SMEs have accessed financing under worse conditions than before the pandemic, while 80.6% have not manifested changes. In fact, the person responsible for the study has stressed that the volume of funding has increased, but warning of the increase in expenses and commissions required to apply for a credit.

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