Walter Queijeiro explained Florencia de la Ve sayings and criticized Victoria Donda. The journalist spoke in controversy at the bar and questioned the reaction of the head of INADI hard.

The name of Walter Queijeiro became a trend in the last hours. Everything arose as a result of a radio report that Ulises Jaitt did for his show The show of the show (AM 1300 La Salada) in which the renowned sports journalist had controversial statements regarding the sexual identity of Florencia de la Ve.

"Biologically he is a man," Queijeiro said in the note. And he added: "He has a document and the law considers her a woman but biologically he is a man. If he has a medication, they will have to give him the medication corresponding to that of a man."

Queijeiro also questioned the so-called Comprehensive Sex Education or ESI, considering that the school "has other priorities", and that he would prefer "that there are schools that give ESI and others that do not allow parents to opt out."

Walter Queijeiro explained Florencia de la Ve sayings

The journalist's considerations provoked the reaction of Victoria Donda, head of INADI, who expressed on Twitter.

"I read with concern the spread of unjustified discriminatory statements such as that of Walter Queijeiro about the sexual identity of Flor de V. Queijeiro questioned the sexual identity of Florence saying that" biologically he is a man ", ignoring the Law of Sexual Identity and, what which is worse, ignoring the social, political and cultural advances in the matter of sexual recognition that exist in our country, "said Donda, who has been in office since the assumption of Alberto Fernández, on December 10, 2019.

After firmly defending the implementation of the ESI, Donda dedicated a message to De la Ve: "As head of the @inadi I embrace @Flordelav and all those who choose their sexual identity freely and without being conditioned by opinions of third parties to whom well they need an ESI class. "

On Tuesday the 14th at night, Queijeiro participated in Controversy at the bar, an American cycle that these days is being conducted with a lot of trade by Gustavo López.

The journalist recalled an altercation he had with Florencia and her husband Pablo Goycochea, in 2012. And explained that from that episode they always ask for her. "I did not attack anyone, say my opinion ... We cannot live in a dictatorship of thought. It was a small question that made titles everywhere, "Walter complained.

Far from wanting to confront Florence, the journalist pointed out his disclaimer against Donda, reaffirming his questions against the ESI and complaining about what he described as "a dictatorship of thought."

In addition, he invited the official to tour the public schools of different locations to personally verify what he refers to in his arguments.

In another section of his release, the journalist expressed his concern to feel that "this is a message that says 'be careful what they say or if they think differently' because the State, through Vicky Donda, is attentive to go out to answer you ".

Walter Queijeiro attacked Florencia de la Ve and questioned her sexual identity

The journalist marked his position on the identity of the actress. In addition, he was against teaching about gender diversity in schools.

Questionable statements made by sports journalist Walter Queijeiro about Florencia de la Ve, who said: "Biologically he is a man."

In dialogue with the radio show The Show of the Show, conducted by Ulises Jaitt, Queijeiro said that - years ago - he had a conflict with Pablo Goycochea, husband of Florence, for some sayings he made while working on the AM cycle.

"I once had a problem with the husband who challenged me to fight. It was in 2012. For something I said," he recalled.
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Despite the passage of time, Queijeiro maintains his position on the identity of the actress: "She has a document and the law considers her a woman but biologically she is a man. If she has a medication, they will have to give her the medication corresponding to that of a man".

In the same program, Queijero also showed against teaching about gender diversity in schools.

"The public school has to have other priorities. I would like to see what the content is that they give it. I would vote that there are schools that give ESI and others not so that parents can choose," he said.

He added: "I do not like to teach the various sexual orientations in elementary school. Before there were the psychological cabinets: when there was a problem the principal intervened. There has to be a regulation because nobody knows what the children study in public schools."