Vienne: "Liquidation Canopé, c'est pas acceptable" for Alain Claeys as Vienne Liquidation Canope Alain Claeys!

Canopé unions are received this morning by the president of Grand Poitiers worried about a dismantling that would also destabilize local initiatives.

Disappointed and perhaps fallen. Annoyed and soon beheaded? Poitiers, presented as the capital of national education by Minister Blanquer, wonders about its future while the employees of one of the incumbent operators, Canopé (ex-CNDP), are mobilizing against a dismantling plan.

This plan also worries the president of Grand Poitiers, Alain Claeys, who is still waiting to know what the Minister of National Education wants to do concretely to ensure this status of capital.

Vienne Liquidation Canope Alain Claeys

Today, at his request, he receives union representatives from Canopé. Interview.

Have you been officially informed of the Canopé Network plan? "No, I was not informed. What worries me is that we are told without official communication that we are making this reform. If we take away the riches of Canopé, it is good that it has a system behind it that is in place. I think it comes at the worst time. I asked the Minister of National Education to draw up a roadmap for Poitiers, the education capital, to find out what it was, what we wanted to do there. "

Did you get it back? " No. I didn't get the return. I am unable to tell you what is planned. Apart from what the prefect said, our integration in such a digital region, but that is not enough. The only thing acted on is the international conference, with a steering committee comprising Canopé, the Region, the university, Grand Poitiers, the State. It is in preparation, it is important and I have no sign that this conference is questioned. I hope we will go to the end. "

On several occasions, rumors of merger and merger have circulated concerning Canopé and the CNED. Are you afraid of a project that also includes the former school for National Education executives (IH2EF)? "I don't think you can find any meaning in that. If we start to solve the problem of the structure without first saying what we want to do with it, without defining the missions, we take the problem backwards. I have the feeling today that we are taking the problem upside down with Canopé. "

What do you think of this plan which would link the Canopé Network Workshops established throughout France to the rectorates? "The risk is to empty its substance Canopé.

The question that comes to mind is why to do and what role we give to Canopé and what synergies we put in place with the CNED. This is the question really asked. I understand the fear of the staff. I am convinced that, compared to the digital revolution, compared to distance learning, compared to the French-speaking world, new professions and new skills are to be invented, but that can only come from the State. "

"I asked the minister for his road map to Poitiers. He did not answer me ! Do you welcome Canopé unions this Monday? " Yes. I asked them to hear them. I asked MP Savatier, if he could, to join us. I approached the minister last week asking for a hearing with the member for the riding. I also informed Jean-Pierre Raffarin. It is a decision, perhaps budgetary, perhaps technical, but which does not make sense. We cannot say at the same time that Poitiers is the capital of Education and say that it will come down to the fact that Poitiers is the place of coordination of digital training at the level of New Aquitaine. "

It confirms the role of the Poitiers rectorate… "Yes. The rector told me that Poitiers will have “digital and education” competence at the end of the arbitrations between the three rectorates (Editor's note: Bordeaux, Limoges, Poitiers).

Poitiers will coordinate this topic, that's good, it's positive for Poitiers in terms of its skills, but we're still hungry! If Poitiers is to play a role as the capital of education, which remains national, there must be a dynamic, the State must find synergy between its three operators, Canopé, CNED and l 'Esen and the university laboratories. "

Poitiers, capital of Education, it sounds like a slogan but the projects do not seem to take place behind ... "When the current Minister Blanquer came (Editor's note: in June 2017), I was with Jean-Pierre Raffarin and we had long discussions with him. This is where he said for the first time, and not in the form of a joke, Poitiers is the capital of national education. He has said it since. This idea comes back to him. True, there is an education ecosystem that is important. But now we are waiting for a number of concrete signs. "
Do you feel that the Canopé reorganization project masks more political ulterior motives? "What political ulterior motive could exist? Disadvantage Poitiers? I do not see the interest of the minister? What surprises me is that, until now, there is no sign of this concept of Poitiers capital of Education and it is not as if he had expressed it only once ! When we restructure an establishment, it’s for two reasons: to dismantle it or to redefine more precise missions. I hope this is the second solution. It must be clear. If it is only to save money, it has no interest and I understand that the officials are extremely worried. "

The concrete signs are not very good for the moment with the plan at Canopé and the arrival of an acting director known for having implemented the dismantling of Onisep… "A transient director arrives, it's never well, that's right! The successor of the director who resigned comes from the General Inspectorate, if it is to liquidate Canopé, it is not acceptable. That we redefine the missions of Canopé and CNED in relation to the challenges of National Education, that does not shock me. What really worries me is if we remove the substance from Canopé in the regions and if we entrust it to the rectors. It puts an end to Canopé.

The central question that arises is this triptych: digital, transmission of knowledge, child. I think this is a very good niche for Poitiers which can be a place of conception, of work, of experimentation. I think we have all the tools to go deeper into this question of the place of digital technology in education and the transmission of knowledge. "