These are the best countries to retire - Top 2021 countries retirement list revealed - The fact that a country offers a good quality of life to its pensioners is an indicator of well-being to be taken into account. Receiving a high pension or having the ability of households to save to cope with this stage of life are key elements in considering whether or not a country is attractive to retire.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that not always the most powerful economies in the world are those that represent a quieter retirement, since this depends on factors such as the pension system, in which each country bets on one or the other model. This makes it more difficult to know which places are best for retirement.

The most reliable study to know this data is the Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index (MCGPI) that each year publishes a ranking that indicates which are the best countries to retire.

This year & apos; s analysis has covered 39 countries, representing two thirds of the world & apos; s population. The main indicators assessed for each pension system are economic sustainability, adequacy, good governance and communication capacity.

Making a calculation with these values, the ranking establishes that the best country to retire is Holland. The podium is completed by Denmark and Israel. To find Spain you have to go back to the position number 22, below countries such as Colombia or Malaysia.

Top 2021 countries retirement list revealed

The study points out that the Netherlands should be the example to follow. It emphasizes that its system uses a flat-rate public pension and a semi-compulsory occupational pension that depends on the earnings and labor agreements that each person reaches.

The Danish pension system, which is the second best in the world, has a public basic pension scheme and an income-linked supplementary pension. There are also compulsory occupational schemes in the world of work.

Top 2021 countries retirement list revealed

Finally, we must explain the case of Israel, which has slipped for the first time among the top positions of the ranking, relegating this year to Australia to fourth place. There is also a basic public pension in Israel, but in most cases the income is obtained through the mandatory contributions that employees and employers make throughout their working career.

Top 2021 countries retirement list revealed: According to the study, in Spain there are voluntary pension plans that can increase the welfare of retirees, but it points out that "coverage is low compared to the public pension".

For Spain to advance in the ranking it is necessary to improve some aspects. The study proposes increasing the retirement age as life expectancy increases, increasing the coverage of workers in private pension schemes and improving the saving capacity of households.

Top 2021 countries retirement list revealed

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Mothers may have it more complicated in hybrid models of work than their single peers: experts say the solution is to make teleworking the norm

One way or another, teleworking is here to stay.

While some workers insist on never returning to an office, others just want flexibility: the option to stay home when they want and come to work when they need it. In the corporate world, this has been dubbed a hybrid model of work, and everyone from Google CEO Sundar Pichai to Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan have decreed that their companies will adopt a new flexible way of working.

At first glance, this kind of flexibility will be crucial for workers whose lives no longer revolve around commuting for five days a week, or for working parents who need to adjust their schedules to support childcare tasks.

However, experts warn that hybrid models of work could have a hidden drawback if not properly managed by employers, as they could harm working mothers ' careers and hamper diversity efforts over the coming years.

CEO of online real estate Zillow, Rich Barton, was one of the first executives to publicly question what flexible working models could mean for workers. Although Zillow has fully embraced the hybrid working model, Barton has expressed concern about the challenges his team might face.

"We need to ensure a level playing field for all team members, regardless of their physical location," he said in February during the results conference with investor analysts last quarter. "There can be no two-class system: those who are in the room as first class and those who are on the phone as second class."

Bhaskar Chakravorti, dean of global business at the Fletcher School at Tufts University, Massachusetts, tells that he is concerned about a hybrid future because of the impact it could have on employee morale, diversity and company culture.

"Frankly, I think it's untenable to have a gigantic headquarters and then a lot of people scattered all over the country, all over the world, and expect the dispersed community to feel the same as those at the headquarters," he says.

Unless companies make substantial changes now to hire more women and people of color and to support people who require flexibility, he says, business culture, particularly in the tech sector, could easily turn into a sea of homogeneity: mostly white, untethered men who are willing and able to commute to an office every day.

Nicholas Bloom, an economist at Stanford University and an expert in remote work, goes one step further. In an interview with Bloomberg published last week, Bloom warns that this system could lead workers who work from home to lose promotions to their colleagues who do come to the office, which could lead to a diversity crisis in six or seven years and "a legal minefield of fairly justified demands."

According to a survey of more than 1,000 U.S. workers by employee analysis firm Perceptyx, four out of ten employees who telework at least part of the time say they feel harmed by their "lack of presence" in the office compared to their colleagues who come to work every day. They say they feel that their work is evaluated less often, that they receive less recognition, and that they are less likely to receive a raise or promotion than their peers.

And according to Bloom, the population that chooses to stay home most of the time will not be random in the future.

A January report by the International Labour Organization revealed that women, as well as younger workers, experienced the greatest job losses over the past year. Last September, almost 900,000 women declared that they were no longer employed, compared with 216,000 men who said the same.

A survey by McKinsey last fall revealed that one in four working women considered reducing their working hours or leaving them altogether, citing the challenge of balancing their work with childcare and other household chores.

Now that life is slowly returning to normal, women-who often take on the burden of childcare - will need the flexibility to stay home a few days a week or adjust their schedules to pick up children from school or daycare. This flexible future should be a blessing. But, over time, inequality could stick its head out, says Raafi Alidina, an advisor to the diversity and inclusion consultancy Frost Included.

Alidina says she is concerned that the hybrid model may also change the behavior of employees who feel they have to keep up with their colleagues.

"You will end up having people at home, realizing that they are treated like second-class and they will leave [their job] or try to go back to work as before, they will try to go to the office," she says. "And when they go to the office, they won't be at their best because they'll think, 'Oh, I wish I could be home with my son,' or they just won't be able to work the way that works best for their lives."

And he adds,"You're not going to get the best version of them as workers, you're not going to get the most productive version of them."

What is the solution?

Alidine says there are some ways to slow the rise of a two-class system. One of them is to be proactive in helping employees feel connected to their workplace, emphasizing the value and importance of their work and explaining how all employees are connected to your company, regardless of where they are.

It states that companies must also make employee recognition a priority, and ensure that employee recognition includes all functions.

"The achievements you think deserve to be highlighted will be based on your own prejudices," she says. "Recognition is not always given as often or as easily to people of color, people with disabilities and other members of marginalized groups." "The same goes for managers with respect to the people they report to",

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