When to put the air conditioning to be able to save the maximum with the new electricity bill? Tips save maximum electricity bill air conditioning 2021 - Broadly speaking, the general advice so that air conditioning does not imply an excessive increase in the new electricity bill, would be to activate it at times when energy is cheaper, that is, in the valley period: from 00:00 hours to 8:00 hours and throughout the day on weekends and holidays.

Obviously, you will all say that you are not interested in putting the air conditioning at night, but during the day to cool the house. Logical. What you have to do then is avoid, at all costs, the peak period (the most expensive hours: from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 18:00 to 22:00). As things stand right now, and, while waiting for the Government of Spain to decide to advance the cheap hours to 22:00 hours (and not start at 00:00 as currently), there are not many more possibilities that the new energy rate grants to ‘play’ with the prices of electricity.

Another recommendation is to consult daily the prices of the light by hours. It is (speaking in silver) a heaviness, but it will result positively when it comes to saving the maximum with the new electricity bill. On the website of OMIE (electricity market operator designated for the management of the daily and intraday electricity market in the Iberian Peninsula) the price of electricity in Spain by hours is shown.

Tips save maximum electricity bill air conditioning 2021

This Tuesday, June 15, 2021, the average price will be 90,95 €/MWh and, once past the early morning hours, the time with the lowest price is from 15:00 to 16:00 hours, in which the price will be 89,51 €/MWh. It is essential to try to make the least possible expense between 19:00 and 21: 00 hours, since the price of electricity will reach a maximum of €100/MWh.
Tips to save on the electricity bill when using the air conditioner

On the website of the price comparator Selectra, they warn that, for a user who uses the air conditioning an average of 7 or 8 hours a day, the energy expenditure can increase more than 140 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month. It is obvious, therefore, that all the measures to save as much as possible with the new electricity bill are few. Therefore, it is very interesting to review a few tips to save light with air conditioning. Dan them also in Selectra:

Tips save maximum electricity bill air conditioning 2021

Energy efficiency label

If you are going to buy an air conditioner, the best thing to do is opt for one with A label.According to Selectra, if it is A+++, the energy savings will be 40%. These devices are more expensive than those with a lower energy rating, but it is already known that, many times, what is cheap is expensive.

Average temperature

Between 20º C and 25º C in summer and 20º C and 22º C in winter. They are the forks in which it is recommended to maintain the temperature of the house. Above those figures, air conditioning will make a greater energy expenditure. And it is not just a matter of money, it is also a matter of health.

Schedule air conditioning

It was already good advice before, but with the application of the new energy rate and its time discrimination, the option of programming the air conditioning (like any other appliance) has to be an excellent weapon to save the most on the electricity bill.


Ideally, the air conditioner should be in a place where it is not exposed to the sun's rays. Better in a space where there is shade.


The air conditioner should be cleaned periodically. This will have a positive effect on energy expenditure, also on odors and, in addition, will help to avoid breakdowns.

Housing insulation

They emphasize at Selectra that this is the most important of the tips to save the most on the new electricity bill with the air conditioning. The doors and windows of the house must be well sealed, in order to avoid that neither cold nor heat can enter the property.

Tips save maximum electricity bill air conditioning 2021

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The tax fraud bill includes a new reference value for homes that will raise inheritance, gift and estate taxes

This Thursday, after 8 months of delays, the Committee on Finance of the Senate will be expected to finally adopts the draft law on Prevention and Fight against Tax Fraud, which was approved in may by the Congress with the support of all political parties, except the extreme right, after the inclusion of amendments to the PP, ERC, PNV, PDeCAT and Citizens, and whose entry into force is expected to be in January 2022 and no retroactive.

The most prominent measures of the new anti-fraud law include limiting cash payments to 1,000 euros for entrepreneurs and self-employed, prohibiting tax amnesties and dual-use software to hide income, strengthening control over cryptocurrencies and delinquency, imposing new minimum investment requirements of 2,500 euros in sicav to enjoy tax exemptions and forcing socimis to tax 15% of their undistributed profits, among other measures.

In addition to these initiatives, the law against tax fraud also includes creating a new reference value to real estate assets, which will replace the actual value and that will be developed with individual evaluations of each property with respect to their characteristics, their age, or their conservation status, according to The Country, which highlights that tax advisers believe will raise several taxes on the home, while the Ministry of Finance contradicts it.

In particular, the experts claim that the new value of reference involves changes in the tax base for taxes related to the ownership or transaction of a house, such as the transfer of assets and documented legal acts, and of successions and donations, heritage, although these last 2 are applied with gradual reductions or above certain thresholds of wealth in most regions.

For its part, the Treasury rules out that the change in reference value for homes involves a rise in taxes, pointing out that the new reference seeks to offer greater clarity and legal certainty and that it will not exceed the market value, a reference that has been assimilated to the real value of housing in judicial processes with taxpayers despite the fact that the Supreme Court has considered that the real value as such does not exist, according to the newspaper of the Prisa Group.

Rachel Jury, an economist at the research department of the Registry of Economists, Tax Advisors of the General Council of Economists has confirmed to The Nation that the real value is an abstract concept, which causes it to declare values, housing more adjusted to the cadastre, which are more low, and has predicted that the new reference of the value of the home close to its market value.

Meanwhile, the president of the Reaf, Agustín Fernández, and the coordinator of the expert group of Local Haciendas and Cadastre of the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors, Ruben Rua, ensure that the change will involve tax increases, highlighting that it will now be the taxpayer who has to turn and show that Finance is mistaken in its assessment, which considered that reduces only the legal uncertainty of the administration and not by the taxpayer, according to point to the newspaper.

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