Substratum SUB Trading 13 Percent Higher Last 7 Days - Substratum (CURRENCY:SUB) exchanged down 6.7% against the US dollar during the twenty-four hour time frame finishing at 14:00 PM ET on March 23rd. During the most recent week, Substratum has exchanged up 13.1% against the US dollar. Substratum has an all out market capitalization of $1.19 million and $1,199.00 worth of Substratum was exchanged on trades over the most recent 24 hours. One Substratum token would now be able to be bought for $0.0031 or 0.00000050 BTC on digital currency trades including Radar Relay, Kyber Network, Kucoin and Binance.
Substratum was first exchanged on August fourteenth, 2017. Substratum's all out stockpile is 472,000,000 tokens and its flowing inventory is 383,021,000 tokens. The official site for Substratum is Substratum's legitimate Twitter account is @SubstratumNet and its Facebook page is open here. The Reddit people group for Substratum is/r/SubstratumNetwork and the money's Github account.
Substratum SUB Trading 13 Percent Higher Last 7 Days
Purchasing and Selling Substratum
Substratum can be bought on the accompanying digital currency trades: Tidex, Bitbns, OKEx, Kucoin, COSS, Radar Relay, HitBTC, Binance, Kyber Network and BiteBTC. It is normally not by and by conceivable to buy elective digital currencies, for example, Substratum straightforwardly utilizing US dollars. Financial specialists looking to exchange Substratum should initially buy Ethereum or Bitcoin utilizing a trade that bargains in US dollars, for example, GDAX, Coinbase or Gemini. Financial specialists would then be able to utilize their recently obtained Ethereum or Bitcoin to buy Substratum utilizing one of the trades recorded previously.
Substratum SUB Trading 13 Percent Higher Last 7 Days
SONM Trading 39.2% Higher This Week (SNM)
SONM (CURRENCY:SNM) exchanged 7.8% higher against the dollar during the 1 day time frame finishing at 22:00 PM Eastern on March 23rd. One SONM token can at present be purchased for about $0.0064 or 0.00000097 BTC on digital currency trades including Binance, HitBTC, YoBit and Liqui. SONM has an absolute market top of $2.29 million and roughly $151,767.00 worth of SONM was exchanged on trades in the most recent day. In the most recent week, SONM has exchanged 39.2% higher against the dollar.
SONM Profile
SONM's dispatch date was January 24th, 2017. SONM's complete stockpile is 444,000,000 tokens and its circling supply is 359,600,000 tokens. SONM's legitimate Twitter account is @sonmdevelopment and its Facebook page is available here. The Reddit people group for SONM is/r/SONM and the cash's Github record can be seen here. The official site for SONM is
SONM Token Trading
SONM can be bought on these digital money trades: Liqui, COSS, Tidex, YoBit, IDEX, Kucoin, Binance, HitBTC and OKEx. It is normally unrealistic to purchase elective cryptographic forms of money, for example, SONM legitimately utilizing US dollars. Speculators looking to get SONM should initially purchase Ethereum or Bitcoin utilizing a trade that bargains in US dollars, for example, GDAX, Gemini or Coinbase. Speculators would then be able to utilize their recently procured Ethereum or Bitcoin to purchase SONM utilizing one of the previously mentioned trades.
Substratum SUB Trading 13 Percent Higher Last 7 Days
(WINGS) One Day Trading Volume Hits $50,053.00
Wings (CURRENCY:WINGS) exchanged up 9.7% against the US dollar during the 1-day time frame finishing at 23:00 PM Eastern on March 23rd. In the course of the most recent seven days, Wings has exchanged 36.4% higher against the US dollar. Wings has an absolute market capitalization of $1.31 million and $50,053.00 worth of Wings was exchanged on trades in the most recent day. One Wings token can right now be purchased for around $0.0135 or 0.00000206 BTC on well known digital currency trades including HitBTC, Upbit, Livecoin and Binance.
About Wings
Wings propelled on December 31st, 2016. Wings' all out stock is 100,000,000 tokens and its flowing stockpile is 97,259,412 tokens. Wings' authentic Twitter account is @wingsplatform and its Facebook page is available here. Wings' legitimate site is The Reddit people group for Wings is/r/WingsDAO.
Purchasing and Selling Wings
Wings can be bought on the accompanying digital money trades: Bittrex, Upbit, Liqui, Kyber Network,, IDEX, Bancor Network, Gatecoin, Livecoin, Binance and HitBTC. It is generally impractical to buy elective cryptographic forms of money, for example, Wings straightforwardly utilizing US dollars. Speculators looking to gain Wings should initially buy Bitcoin or Ethereum utilizing a trade that bargains in US dollars, for example, Changelly, Coinbase or Gemini. Financial specialists would then be able to utilize their recently gained Bitcoin or Ethereum to buy Wings utilizing one of the previously mentioned trades.