From your mobile to the forest: Spanish app Tribaldata contols advertising data plants trees - Tribaldata is the Spanish app to take control of your advertising data and plant trees 4,000 kilometers away thanks to its value.

Changing the world often depends on the sum of thousands of small gestures. Tribaldata is a Spanish application that allows you to reforest the planet for free and with a click, turning the value of your advertising data on the network into trees planted in deforested areas and in a situation of extreme poverty.

In the last 13 years, the world has lost 43 million hectares of forest in threatened areas alone, an area the size of California, according to a WWF report. Every year about 150,000 square kilometers of forest, 15,000 million trees, 190 times New York City. According to the UN, if we continue to cut down at the current frenetic pace in 300 years there will not be a single tree on the face of the earth.

Spanish app Tribaldata contols advertising data plants trees

Meanwhile, consuming half an hour of streaming content on platforms like Netflix emits a little more than a kilo and a half of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. A video call represents 1,000 grams of these broadcasts. Rabih Bashroush, senior scientist of the Shift Project estimated that 5 billion downloads and broadcasts of the song Despacito in 2017 consumed as much electricity as the countries of Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Somalia, Sierra Leone and the Central African Republic in an entire year.

It is not difficult to imagine the future catastrophe and the deterioration of a world that is dangerously approaching the sixth mass extinction, where global warming could bury many cities under water by the end of the century by the rise in sea level, and where biodiversity is increasingly fragile and damaged.

Technology, companies and institutions must weave a strong alliance and give the change to a more sustainable model, aligned with natural rhythms and always keeping in mind that there is no planet B. Projects like Tribaldata have it clear: we must join together to get out of the climate crisis.

Spanish app Tribaldata contols advertising data plants trees and climate change

Put the batteries facing the climate change is more necessary than ever, and there comes into play Tribaldata, a Spanish startup whose app allows users to convert the advertising value of their data on the Internet in planted trees, reducing the carbon footprint of digital and receiving in exchange a online advertising more targeted and tailored to their interests and needs.

Erik Häggblom (Panama, 1974) and Jon Adolfsson (Sweden, 1977) are behind this startup, a perfect tandem that distributes the marketinian gears and data technical execution of the project. Both talk about this tool that is a winning proposal for both people and companies, a commitment to a fairer, honest and committed data economy.

Erik has been linked to the world of communication and marketing for more than two decades, witnessing an unstoppable change in the advertising model. "What is happening is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to grow, especially for traditional companies," he says. "We can talk about data being the new Holy Grail, a huge opportunity." He was always clear that the key was to start from the informed consent to the users and get shine from the sum of quality aggregated data.

Spanish app Tribaldata contols advertising data plants trees

Trabajos entregados con el mejor precio y máxima calidad: Servicios Pintores Barcelona

Every two seconds the equivalent of a Bible in information is generated: there is a great supply and also demand by companies to do precision marketing and address their consumer. "We said, why don't we find a formula to try to include the consumer in the data economy and give them something in exchange for the consensual use of the data?", says Erik.

In the equation to create Tribaldata was missing Jon, who has spent his entire career working in technology and innovation. "Often in the startup world there are people with a good idea or a lot of energy, but either the technical part or the proposal fails," he says. Together they began to investigate and ask the public about their interests. Why would they redeem the value of their advertising data? "The interest surprised us, as it was much higher than expected," he says.

They found that people want to have control of their data and better understand its use, have more control. "If you were talking to someone about oil 150 years ago, they would know that it exists and that it has a value, but maybe not how to use it. The same thing happens with the data, " says Jon. After doing several surveys and value propositions, they saw that planting trees was one of the most demanded solutions by users.

"We have tested the data for discounts, the data for a better world and we have also left the question open. What would you do with 25 euros a year?", emphasizes Erik. Along the way they have broken down several myths, such as that sustainability only concerns young people. "We have a lively and very heterogeneous panel with more than 10,000 users, not only from Generation Z and millennials, but also from Generation X and also, to a lesser extent, from other generations onwards."

Spanish app Tribaldata contols advertising data plants trees: They created their app to defend users ' privacy and enable them to turn the gold mine of their data into a hopeful and positive resource for the planet. Users can create their anonymous profile on Tribaldata with basic data and interests, improve the relevance of the ads that appear to them and receive weekly points that can be redeemed to plant trees.

"We do not sell the personal data of our users such as email or name, but what we do is group profiles of people with common interests, and that valuable information is what we provide companies so that they can better direct and segment their campaigns," says Erik.

In this way, the data has the highest quality, since it is neither inferred nor from third parties: it is provided directly in a consensual and voluntary way by the user. Each internet user has a tribal ID and can use the profits generated by the advertising use of their anonymous profile to fund tree planting and other future charitable activities.

Spanish app Tribaldata contols advertising data plants trees

The Tribaldata app makes it easy to follow up when contributing to reforestation: you can plant the seed, follow the status of your tree, contribute to the efforts of the tribe and invite other friends to grow the forest.

"Within climate change 10,000 million trees are lost a year, a challenge is so enormous that it is worth fighting for the no. We must try not only to digitize the world, but also to seek more sustainable societies." They see firsthand how consumers ' purchasing decisions are becoming more aware and increasingly structured by environmental concerns.

"Each tree that we plant has the possibility of absorbing up to 12.3 kilos of carbon dioxide over a year, so it is possible to offset part of the digital carbon footprint with this project," says Erik. "Tribaldata allows you to have a control of your advertising profile and that by clicking on a button you are planting a tree 4,000 kilometers away".

"The principle of circularity is essential for companies, which in its pure functionality can return the footprint caused by their activity", they emphasize, using the example of the search engine Ecosia.

Spanish app Tribaldata contols advertising data plants trees: The future is full of plans: they hope to plant 50,000 trees before the end of the year, for which they count on the alliance with the NGO Eden Projects. Thanks to their work they also employ local communities at risk of extreme poverty and save species from extinction.

Its purpose is to guide brands to communicate better with a new user profile more "unfaithful" to brands and with an eye on the care of the planet. "We probably want the largest panel in Spain of users concerned about sustainability," says Erik. "Brands are challenged to show customers that they can do something good together."

Both co-founders of the startup see how advertising has changed radically in recent times.

"Competition has multiplied, there is a conversion in the way in which users view data and exercise control over it and more and more regulations are legislating in favor of privacy, not only Spain or the United States, but Brazil, India or Japan". The future will go through informed consent and quality data to adapt to increasingly proactive and demanding profiles, who do not want to know anything about unsustainable products.

Pressing a button and reforesting makes them very happy. You can also download Tribaldata and do the same.

# Spanish app Tribaldata contols advertising data plants trees #

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