Rueil-Malmaison P Ollier seeking new mandate: The outgoing mayor of Rueil-Malmaison, Patrick Ollier, president of the Greater Paris metropolis, announced his candidacy on Saturday 11 January.

"I thought about it for a long time before deciding," confides Patrick Ollier, announcing his candidacy for mayor of Rueil-Malmaison. Envy, age, family are part of this reflection; moreover, the function of mayor is more and more exposed, open to all criticism and the frequent brutality of social networks does not help! "Continues the elected official.

“Even if our“ Together for Rueil ”list has received the support of LR, LREM, UDI, Modem, it wants to be independent of the parties. Its members share the same objectives for the future of Rueil and the same project for the city! He also says.

Rueil-Malmaison P Ollier seeking new mandate

The outgoing mayor highlights, as part of his report, a long list of achievements, from the renovation of Place Jean-Jaurès with its fountain and its parking lot, at Mobipôle, at the new Robespierre school, to accommodation for young workers in the building of the Imperial Dryer.

"Our city will continue to evolve over the next six years," said the former president of the National Assembly, citing in particular the eco-neighborhood and its eco-labels. “From these 17 hectares of brownfields, 95% of which were covered with bitumen, we make a good living space, with very many and high quality green spaces (30%). The metro station in 2030, the planned parking lots, the redesign of public transport and the numerous shops and restaurants will bring this new district of Rueil a new dimension, "said the elected official.

Municipal: Pierre-Yves Bournazel reaches out to B. Griveaux and C. Villani

The candidate Agir aux Municipales in Paris revealed, on January 8, 2020, a letter addressed to Benjamin Griveaux and Cédric Villani in order to meet "to build the rally that Paris needs".

For Pierre-Yves Bournazel, there is a "Parisian paradox". While he considers that Anne Hidalgo is an "unpopular mayor" and that the inhabitants are "mainly dissatisfied", "the prospect of his re-election [would be] firmly entrenched in the minds". The explanation comes, according to him, from "the atomization of the political landscape facing the current mayor" who would "mechanically play his game".

The elected representative of the 18th arrondissement therefore recommends dialogue and getting together. "In the past few months, I have already suggested organizing a primary open to candidates from the progressive arc and then, a little later, a public debate between them," he recalls. None of these "tracks" came to fruition, for reasons that would be pointless to unearth here. "

"Renounce all individual postulates"

He chose to persevere on this path by launching an appeal to two other candidates for mayor of Paris: Benjamin Griveaux and Cédric Villani. "See you in the coming days," he suggests.

    I do not underestimate the personal tensions, or even the annoyances that can arise from the intensity of a campaign. But what is at stake goes beyond all that. To have the foresight to put these considerations in the deepest pocket, to favor a fair exchange, would be doing useful work, writes Pierre-Yves Bournazel.

The latter thus wishes to “finally put the substantive issues on the table, hoping that a unitary solution [which] would at least have the merit of novelty could flow from it”. The Paris counselor wants to "make - really - move the lines" and "give up any individual premise" in order "to replace it with a method dedicated to content"