Robert Downey Jr loves Fip radio - The actor, soon to be on the poster for "Voyage du Dr Dolittle", confided in Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine on the set of "C à Vous".
You may be listening to the same radio as Robert Downey Jr! The one who is known to have embodied “Iron Man” in the cinema revealed on France 5 that he loved listening to Fip.
Invited to the upcoming release of the film "The Voyage of Dr. Dolittle", the actor was asked about it by Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine. “I read that you listen to French radio which makes you feel more chic, is it true?”, She asked Robert Downey Jr hilarious, as you can see in our video at the head of the article .
Robert Downey Jr loves Fip radio
"An artist friend told me that he listens to Fip all day, so I found out because of him," he said. "This is how I learned a few words of French and it gives me the impression of being really intelligent."
Last year, he had already mentioned his pronounced taste for music radio created in 1971. "I became addicted to Fip, this application which allows you to listen to independent French radios", he explained to our colleagues from Closer. "Okay, they start speaking French at every commercial break, but I love all of their music."
A passion that the actor shares with another personality, Jack Dorsey. The boss of Twitter no longer hides his love for the public service antenna. In 2017, the entrepreneur even called it "the best radio in the world".
While in Paris in June 2019, he even had the radio logo "tattooed" with a temporary tattoo machine.
Support during a social conflict
This declaration of love by Robert Downey Jr comes in a very tense climate at Radio-France, affected by a savings plan carried by its president, Sybil Veil.
The FIP antenna is particularly affected by these budget cuts. These include, in particular, the elimination of all news flashes, the closure of local offices in Strasbourg, Bordeaux and Nantes and the 4 posts of the regional offices in Toulouse and Marseille. Robert Downey Jr is much less likely to learn French ...
Hélène Rollès annoyed by Patrick Puydebat: what bothered her at the start
The sitcom star "Helene and the boys" gave an interview to "Télé Loisirs". And Hélène Rollès made no secret of the fact that she had trouble collaborating with Patrick Puydebat, who played her boyfriend Nicolas ...
The generation that experienced the AB Productions series has probably reserved their evening. Wednesday January 22, 2020, TMC broadcasts the documentary Dorothée, Hélène and the boys: Génération AB Productions. The public will discover behind the scenes of the show worn by Hélène Rollès. Questioned by Télé Loisirs, the 53-year-old actress spoke of her somewhat complicated relationship with her partner Patrick Puydebat (Nicolas) at the start.
Between the two stars, who have had a short romance, the current did not immediately pass. A detail annoyed Hélène Rollès somewhat during the shooting of Hélène and the boys: "I was extremely serious while he was more dilettante, he fell asleep on set, we spent our time waiting for him. .. It was absolutely hellish! " But, over time, Patrick Puydebat and she ended up taming. She claims to have finally discovered a man who "humanely is extraordinary".
Today, Hélène Rollès and Patrick Puydebat are very close. In the event of a hard blow, they therefore know that they can count on each other: "If I have a low morale, I call him, and vice versa. Besides, I can count on n "Whoever in the band. We lived this unique adventure together and we are linked for life."
It was during an interview for Here, carried out at the end of December, that the one who currently interprets Nicolas in The Mysteries of Love revealed that he and Hélène had a little story. "After conflicting beginnings, reality has finally caught up with fiction. But hey, we were young, there is prescription, now ...", he explained.