Remy Cointreau currently following exclusive negotiations

Rémy Cointreau is in exclusive negotiations with the Brillet family to purchase the Cognac JR Brillet and part of its vineyard. Since the beginning of Brillet family history in the seventeenth century, JR Brillet House has established a vine and a stock of sheep-vine that enables it to develop quality products.

The purchase of JR Brillet will represent Rémy Cointreau's opportunity to integrate into its portfolio spirits with a real development potential and to develop a long-term stock of high quality cognac and vineyards.

Signing of procurement documents, which remains subject to administrative procedures under the current regulations, should take place in autumn 2019.

Remy Cointreau currently following exclusive negotiations

This analysis was developed by AOF and distributed by BOURSORAMA on 30/05/2019 at 08:08:00.

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