Queen Marie-Caroline Naples Lady Hamilton,unlikely friends - Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, late 18th century. While all opposed by Queen Marie-Caroline of Naples and Sicily forged a strong friendship with Lady Emma Hamilton. The latter is certainly the wife of the British ambassador, Sir William Hamilton, but when he married her, after having been his mistress for several years, she dragged behind her a past of prostitute, from the London sidewalks to the residences of the two successive English aristocrats who maintained it. As for Marie-Caroline, she is none other than one of the daughters of Empress Marie-Thérèse of Austria and therefore one of the elder sisters of the Queen of France Marie-Antoinette.

This complicity between the two women will make a lot of talk. Some even go so far as to speak of a Sapphic relationship. Or an initiation of the wife of King Ferdinand I to certain erotic practices by Emma, ​​an expert in the subject. However, there is nothing to prove it. Likewise, it is in fact unknown how their friendship was born. Although an explanation has been advanced, as it is recalled in the episode of the magazine of France 3 "Secrets of History" devoted to the romantic destiny of Lady Hamilton and diffused this Monday January 20, 2020 in the evening *.

Queen Marie-Caroline Naples Lady Hamilton,unlikely friends

It is said that, passing through Paris in 1791 with her husband, on the road to Naples after their wedding in England, Emma would have received, from the hands of Marie-Antoinette in person, a secret letter for Marie-Caroline. And that this was, in this revolutionary period which will see its beheading, the last words of the wife of Louis XVI to his sister.

"She will no doubt boast of having received a letter from Marie-Antoinette for her sister. It is possible but nothing is less certain ", nuance Evelyne Lever in this" Secrets of history ". "In any case, the relations between Marie-Antoinette and Marie-Caroline had been nonexistent since they had been separated. They were not written and we can clearly see in Marie-Caroline's journal that she learned of the birth of her nephews from the French ambassador, "explains the historian, who therefore does not seem convinced by this version.

Elsa Dasc explains herself after a photo pointed by Hugo Clément

Young reality TV star explained her sensitivity to animal welfare after one of her Instagram photos shocked many

Loving animals is good, avoiding leashing wild animals in a private zoo is better. Instagram and former reality star Elsa Dasc has learned the lesson. After being pinned by a photo pointed at on networks by Hugo Clément, the 26-year-old woman apologized apologetically on Instagram, Monday, January 20.

"I’m against zoos, I hate it," the influencer started in an Instagram story, hours after the animal rights activist virulently denounced one of his photos. "There in Dubai, I found it different," says the former participant in the "Princes and Princesses of Love" on W9. "It's a private park," she says, "only ten people a day can access it. You can see baby lions. ”

For this outing that the young woman wanted to surprise for her husband, her professional agency was not warned. "I went there of my own free will," says Elsa Dasc. “Where I abused,” she continues on her Instagram, “this is the photo where I am seen holding a cheetah on a leash.” Following the publication of this image, the agency Shauna Events held in a press release to dissociate itself from the action of its client.

“I just want to tell the truth,” continues the bride, “he [the cheetah, note] was walking all alone. It was just me for the photo who wanted to keep him on a leash. Completely stupid thing, we all make mistakes. And for that, I apologize. ”

The photo was later deleted. And the young woman renewed her excuses in Instagram story by specifying to her subscribers: "Do not associate myself with all the horrors that can exist in this world, I am really ten thousand kilometers from that. And if I can help you do anything related to the animal cause, really, I will answer as much as possible. ”