Is anyone ready to have a child? 7 tips for new parents - Psychologists repeat 7 new parents tips 2021 - Psychologists repeat: no one is prepared to be a father. Neither those who claim to be, nor those who have an interruptible leg tremor. This did not begin so that a series of tips could be given to new parents. Generic, because every boy and girl is a story and the upbringing of the neighbor's children has nothing to do with yours.
In the first half of 2020, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), in Spain there were 168,047 births. If in the second part of the year these numbers have been maintained, the trend of recent years will continue, since, since 2014, the number of births in Spain continues to fall: 427,595 in 2014, 420,290 in 2015, 410,583 in 2016, 393,181 in 2017, 372,777 in 2018 and 360,617 in 2019. Will the coronavirus also affect these figures? Will there be a ‘children of the pandemic ' boom? Time and the INE will tell.
Unfortunately, it is not easy to find official adoption figures. In the web serpadres give some numbers: in Spain about 250 children from the national territory and 1,000 from abroad are adopted per year.
Psychologists repeat 7 new parents tips 2021
- Go to professionals if you have doubts
You should not have any problem in consulting with the professionals that are necessary all the doubts that arise. In the Nutribén blog they make it very clear: they say that no one better than pediatricians to advise you, since, obviously, they are used to giving advice to first-time parents. Do it both before and after birth or adoption.
- Go to classes
This recommendation is perfectly in line with the previous one, since, after all, it is a question of resolving doubts. And, if you have them, you can go to class and they will explain that babies have to sleep up and with their heads tilted, they will tell you tricks to throw the gas and they will teach you to put a diaper. It is one of the recommendations made by the Nemours Foundation in this article of making family.
- Every case is different
In Nutribén they advise to consult the parents, but not too much. In general, it is desirable not to look for comparison in other families because each case is different. From Psychologists Atlas Tres Cantos give a defining phrase:”Comparisons are odious".
Psychologists repeat 7 new parents tips 2021
- Control expenses
You must be clear that the expenses will increase. But, calm down, except for extreme situations, it's all a matter of managing it and, possibly, taking off some whim. From Nutribén they point out that, although driven by joy, you may want to buy many things, there are some that are really useful and necessary and others that can wait.
- Manage visits
Everyone wants( or feels compelled) to go meet your son or daughter, but you also need peace of mind, so don't have a problem saying no sometime. You have to understand, and if you don't, you know what you have to do. Another option, as they point out in the Very Healthy blog of Sanitas, is to ask if you want them to be the ones who go to your home or better move you.
- Time management
As in the case of money, it is obvious that you will have to change certain routines and that your free time will go down. But you have to organize yourself to keep having it. Also to work (life goes on) and, of course, to enjoy your child without pressure. Beyond the hours of eating, sleeping or walking.
Psychologist María Alejandra Castro Arbeláez writes in eresmamá that nothing happens to leave him " an hour a week with his grandmother, take some time to go out, get some air, eat quietly or take a nap”.
Psychologists repeat 7 new parents tips 2021
- Both equally involved
There are many types of families today. But in those that are made up of men and women, you still hear –from the male mouth-that “I help my wife with the child”. It is absolutely out of time, but it is still happening. It seems incredible that, at this point, among the advice for first-time parents it is necessary to keep repeating that parenting is a matter of two (except in single-parent families).
They say it on the Mayo Clinic website: get involved, attend prenatal classes, talk to your partner, be affectionate with her and, of course, take turns caring for the baby such as feeding, changing, getting up at night, etc.
Psychologists repeat 7 new parents tips 2021
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Why there is now talk of voluntariness in the ERES: a combination of business reputation and collective bargaining
The negotiations of the last major ERE have focused on the voluntary adherence of workers to these processes. In recent years, many large cases of employment regulation in large companies, especially in the banking sector, have resulted in voluntary redundancies under improved conditions agreed with the unions. They were pre-retirements with good conditions to avoid, as much as possible, damaging the image of the company.
However, in the dossiers that are being negotiated in recent weeks one of the great friction points in the negotiations is the voluntariness. Companies are starting to put meritocracy on the table, which in román paladino is that the company decides who to fire, as opposed to voluntary membership. Although, many have already had to back down.
Gonzálo Gortázar, CEO of the new CaixaBank, in a press conference to present the new entity after the absorption of Bankia pointed out that in the great ERE that the bank was preparing they wanted to prioritize voluntariness and meritocracy, not age.
A message that read between the lines a farewell to the golden pre-retirements of the bank. Finally, to achieve the agreement with unions it has had to eliminate the forced dismissals of the ERE.
Something similar has also happened in BBVA, which agreed with the unions the departures of 2,935 workers only from the Spanish subsidiary, which includes central services and branches, but allowing voluntary departures. Orange also agreed with the workers ' representatives voluntary accessions in its ERE of 400 workers, although with exceptions, since it left some departments such as cybersecurity out.
The employment regulation files are a formula included in the regulation by which companies exceptionally when certain causes occur, such as problems of economic viability, can obtain authorization from the competent labor authority to suspend or terminate labor relations.
In this administrative procedure it is not envisaged that there must be a voluntariness of the workers to join the ERE. What is happening is that the big companies, especially in the banks, that have implemented these procedures have tried to reach agreements with the workers ' representatives.
"The scheme of voluntariness appears in the current negotiations because it was the guideline in many adjustments after the financial crisis. It will continue to be an absolutely useful scheme, but it is not infinite," says Santiago Carbó, Professor of Economics at the University of Granada and director of the Financial and Digital Area of Funcas.
"Unfortunately, there will also have to be less voluntary reductions in staff. In any case, it is good that there are recycling and relocations for new jobs closer to digital issues, for which investment and flexibility are needed," he adds.
Massimo Cermelli, professor of Economics at Deusto Business School, also says that the law does not reflect the voluntary nature of the ERE. "There is a negotiation with unions, an agreement can be reached," he points out, but remembers that if there was no agreement the ERE could go ahead.
Cermelli explains that in recent years there have been agreements in large companies because companies focus on "reputational"issues. On the one hand, he points out, in terms of his external image, but also internally, to the workers who remain.
"The ideal for the benefit of all is to try to relocate as much of the jobs as possible and we have seen this with the cases of CaixaBank and BBVA, where the initial figures of cuts have been corrected downwards trying to relocate. But the reduction in the network of offices is such that it is not possible to relocate all the workers," says Joaquín Maudos, deputy director of the Ivie and professor at the University of Valencia.
In this line has also gone the pressure of the government towards the negotiations of the big companies and unions to agree the exits of the workers.
"They are tremendously traumatic processes for all the workers of these companies and their families, it is very important and I appreciate that the number of casualties is being reduced and that they are moving towards voluntary casualties. That is the right line of dialogue and negotiation to address these processes that are always regrettable and negative," said the Minister of Economy, Nadia Calviño, in the course of economic journalism organized a few days ago by the association of journalists of economic information (Apie).
At the moment, voluntariness is what is predominating in the major employment adjustments of the sector. Although we'll have to see how long.
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