"It is impossible to be wrong": The particular activities Mica Vazquez clears problems. The actress is in Mar del Plata, starring "Smart lies" with Fede Bal, Nora Cárpena and Arnaldo André.

One of the shows that can be seen during the summer season of Mar del Plata is the play "Intelligent lies". The comedy, starring Nora Cárpena, Arnaldo André, Federico Bal and Micaela Vázquez, is one of the main bets of the billboard that takes place in "La Feliz". In dialogue with Teleshow, the last of the aforementioned performers referred to her role in the work, while also about her sentimental state, considering that she recently divorced Federico Larroca.

His first testimonies had to do with the way he faces both situations. “I am happy, dedicated to the work and learning to be alone. They are many changes and very close together, so I am transiting them little by little. Things are given as they have to be given. I am understanding that and that everything happens for a reason. Life is perfect and everything fits as it has to fit, ”he said.

Particular activities Mica Vazquez clears problems

Along the same lines, the Fox Sports panelist added: “For someone who loves his job and can do what he likes, it is impossible that it is wrong. Obviously there are factors that influence, but having separated and who have called me a week to do this work for me shows that life is perfect and that everything happens as it has to happen. Maybe, if I continued with my ex, I did not come to make season. Or if. I have no idea".

Later, Vázquez said that, in his spare time, he tries to learn to surf. “I always went on vacation for a short time and could not, now that I have three months, I am barbaric and I will learn yes or yes. I am not afraid of the sea, I am not confident either. But I love and I love the surfing plan because of the connection with the sea and nature, although I don't know how to stop, it's good to appreciate what the sea gives you, ”he said.

Finally, Mica delved into her daily routine. “I am very daytime. I like to get up early, prepare breakfast, go training. Just at 12 noon I arrive at the beach and at 17 I am returning to the apartment because at 19 I go to the theater. I am very happy because we are doing well, the public is having fun and the work is getting better every day, so I am exceeding expectations, ”he said.

“I keep holding it: it is reified itself” Nicole Neumann, very sharp!

The model had no filters when talking about a famous.

Nicole Neumann was never afraid to express herself, even if her words or gestures unleashed media battles and great controversies. In fact, the blonde just remembered a fight she had with Jimena Barón last year and took advantage of throwing new chicanes at the famous singer. It all started after Jime's brother criticized the model.

“Nicole also always washed her body, a very small model. I think it got hot when Vero Lozano didn't give him the place to lead the show, and they gave it to my sister. She said ‘well, Vero takes 20 days on vacation, I drive’, but no, Jimena drives. And there he throws a stick, ”said the relative of Jimena, in the radio show The Show of the Show.

In Us in the Morning, Nicole defended herself and destroyed Baron. “I never criticized Jimena, whenever I talked about her I said I think she is an excellent artist and a filly. The only time I said anything was when we talked about the conflict with the presenter. The only thing I said and it seems to me that it was the fact, and that I continue to sustain it, that she herself reified her cul ...

"He has a theme called cul ... and he talks about his cul ... as in the third person as if he were one more person," she continued very tasty. “But it is neither good nor bad, I said at some point that it did not seem surprising to me that someone presents her as cul… when she does apology and reification of her body part all the time. Each one makes publicity with what they render, it seems barbaric, ”he remarked.

“My work tool is my body but I never reified my body nor presented my body apart from myself. They are totally different things, ”said Neumann, indignant with the comment. Finally, he referred to the scandal of his departure from Cortá through Lozano. “When it was his turn to drive, I was on vacation. I was in Tulum, so I was not able to drive because I was not in the country, ”he closed.