Paolo Ciavarro spoiled Maurizio Sorge attack - Paolo Ciavarro in the storm, not everyone believes his face as a good boy and the paparazzo Maurizio Sorge attacks: "The pains and sacrifices are other, it's just a spoiled".

Despite the air of a good boy and the aspect not comparable to the classic "tronista", Paolo Ciavarro - during his participation in Big Brother Vip - is unable to convince the whole audience, and there are those who attack him hard for his family origins: "It's just a spoiled".

The son of the actors Eleonora Giorgi and Massimo Ciavarro continues not to persuade part of the audience of the reality show of Canale 5. Despite his good boy face, blond hair and sky blue eyes, the son of the couple who made the generation dream of the years eighty continues to divide the audience of the celebrity version of the father of all reality shows.

Paolo Ciavarro spoiled Maurizio Sorge attack

Giorgi and Ciavarro's son does not seem to convince the whole audience regarding his sincerity. In the last episode of Grande Fratello Vip 4, the young man was the protagonist of a remote explanation with his father, the actor Massimo Ciavarro, the dream of many girls who grew up in the eighties.

Paolo has shown all his insecurity towards his father's judgment, about an audition to join the Manchester City football team. The young Roman fears that he has disappointed his father, and this insecurity was at the origin of the little self-confidence. If at first, within Big Brother Vip, this story has involved and moved the public, after a few hours, many seem to raise more than a few doubts.

Paolo Ciavarro did not hold back and said: "Unfortunately it did not go because of me. I was not hungry to get there, to fight for something that I am very passionate about. I was talented and unfortunately I was unable to exploit it. It is It was a great lesson for me. "" This was certainly the first real contrast with my father, but one at that age is not mature to understand things. It is something that I carry inside me for a long time, "admits the young man heartily Paul.

At Mattino Cinque, Francesco Mogol, son of the homonymous and famous music author, seems to raise some doubts about the figure of Ciavarro junior: "He should be a boy who breaks the world, in the end he was lucky instead he seems so small and insecure" . Even heavier the judgment of the paparazzo Maurizio Sorge, who seems to extend his analysis to many tenants of the Casa di Cinecitta: "The sacrifices and the pains are other". "In my opinion, they are all a bit spoiled!", The VIP photographer caustically says.

Salvini al Pilastro intercom to a resident. "Excuse me, peddling?"

The blitz of the leader of the Carroccio in one of the most problematic neighborhoods of Bologna: it rings at the home of an alleged pusher reported by a resident. The boy will legally protect himself

Bologna, 21 January 2020 - "Excuse me, are you a pusher?". To ask the residents of an apartment at the Pillar, directly from the condominium intercom, was the League leader Matteo Salvini tonight, in town for the election campaign ahead of Sunday's Regionals. Accompanied by his collaborators but also by several men of the police and carabinieri, Salvini intercomed to a Tunisian family, on the indication of a resident, asking if he was actually involved in illegal activities with drugs and then continued intercom to other bells of the same building.

The 17-year-old boy, not at home at the time of the intercom, made it known that he will protect himself legally. In fact, together with his father, he made contact with the lawyer Cathy La Torre, a civil rights activist who a few months ago launched the 'Hating you cost' campaign, to pursue, in a civil court, defamations, slanders and threats launched through the Internet , especially on social media.

The leader of the League, always led by the resident, also controlled a network torn from where the pushers would pass or hide the substance. The whole round of Salvini al Pilastro was followed by groups of citizens, some opposed and others in favor of the initiative. "There is a complaint that the lady made and we intend to follow her - said Salvini -. I called a gentleman who was reported as an alleged drug dealer to ask him if he is dealing or if he is not dealing, but he told me that at home "Nobody was there. What did I do? As a citizen: if a roommate tells me, look, here on the first floor they are dealing, can I ask someone 'she is dealing or not'? But he knocked out".

The reactions

They did not wait long, neither from the world of politics, nor from that of entertainment. In the morning, that of the mayor, Virginio Merola, arrived. "If he rang the bell of my mom, who lives at the Pillar, it would have been much worse - but then the tones become serious - The Pillar is not a territory in hand to criminality. Before it was done by southerners that the League attacked as "terroni", now it is made by many people. By now 50% of the houses are owned. Did the Minister of the Interior, how come in that case Did you have the same interest? Maybe because it is now just propaganda and behaving irresponsible for a few more votes ".

“Matteo Salvini's intercoms at the Pillar? "I obviously would never have done it." Stefano Bonaccini, the rival of Lucia Borgonzoni for the position of governor of Emilia-Romagna, also distances himself from the anti-drug dealers' blitz. "I think there is a deterioration in the level of civilization. I don't think it is up to a former Interior Minister to go and play the intercom of anyone to check. There must be others who have the competence, tools and responsibilities to do it." Bonaccini sees "a policy that has become too show, a Truman show and I stay away from it. If this action will be a boomerang? I honestly don't know, I say it is something I would never do. Rather it can be reported to the judicial authority, as it should be for every citizen ".

Still on the front of the demm, the parliamentary pd Andrea De Maria, is convinced that Salvini "seriously disrespected the Pillar and its citizens. He chose to make that reality the stage for his propaganda. Nothing had done as minister of the interior what he is talking about now in the election campaign. The Pillar is a living reality, full of associations and volunteering - stresses De Maria - a free and democratic community that will be able to respond to Salvini's provocations ".

Hard also the secretary dem Luigi Tosiani: "We are beyond the farce, we are beyond the propaganda, we are looting".

Fabio Volo also thundered against Salvini during his program on Radio Deejay, Il Volo del Mattino. "Go play to the Camorra players if you have the balls ... Do it with the strong, the splendid, not with the weak". This is the outlet that unleashed the people of social networks.