Municipal elections 2020 Anne Hidalgo wants to reduce the place of the car in Paris
"There are solutions to do without private cars," said the current mayor of Paris, who officially declared his candidacy for re-election on Saturday.
Can you imagine a Paris without cars? "This is what we are going towards," said Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo on Monday January 13. Invited on BFMTV, the elected socialist, who officially declared her candidacy for re-election on Saturday evening, put forward several proposals intended to reduce the use of the car in the capital.
"Many cities are involved in this movement so that there are fewer cars, less pollution," began the mayor of Paris, citing the examples of Oslo, Amsterdam and Copenhagen. "There are solutions to do without individual cars," she continued. "What is needed is that everyone who can do without a personal vehicle can do without having alternatives," she said.
Municipal elections 2020 Anne Hidalgo
Towards a pedestrianization of the center of Paris and a reduction of the car on the Champs-Élysées
Thus, in the center of Paris, which it wishes to pedestrianize in part, "there will be an electric shuttle which will make it possible to connect different points of the center of Paris so that the inhabitants, the visitors, can move inside this center ", she explained, specifying that the pedestrianization would not be total since the traders will be able to continue to be delivered.
The place of the car also aims to be reduced on the avenue des Champs-Élysées. "For the moment, we are not in the complete closure of the Champs-Élysées to cars but we are working with the Champs-Élysées Committee," said Anne Hidalgo. The elected socialist also announced the redevelopment of the Place de la Concorde and Place de l'Etoile with "tree plantations".
Leading voting intentions
The environmental candidate for mayor of Paris, David Belliard, welcomed this program. "I am happy that the candidates are doing ecology, ecology does not belong to anyone (...)", he commented. "I remember that these proposals are proposals that we have been carrying for years," he continued, before adding: "At one point, ecology is not fair for electoral campaigns. It is for all the time. It is an ecology that must be implemented ".
According to an Ifop poll commissioned by the team of Cédric Villani, in the race for municipal elections in Paris, Anne Hidalgo is currently leading the voting intentions. It is ahead, with 22.5% of the voting intentions, the LREM candidate Benjamin Griveaux (17%) the LR candidate Rachida Dati (17%), the dissident LREM candidate Cédric Villani (14%) and the ecologist David Belliard (12 , 5%).
WHAT if, for starters, Mrs. Hidalgo and the Parisian city officials set an example for once?
The problem, precisely, is the blatant lack of alternatives. Do not put the cart before the horse.
vmcfb: you mean this place where the level of fine particles is 10 times higher than what is outside?
Dirt and insecurity are minor problems. Doing dirty shots and planting trees are the real concerns of the green-reds. I note a little bit bitterly that to be at the head of the polls are indeed the main concerns of our Parisian bobos. You surprise me that the province no longer understands anything about parigos!
In the medium cities ditto and you now have to pay to go see your friends and family in the neighborhoods with residential parking !!!!! no more than 2 hours otherwise it's overpriced !!!!!! and no bus .....
The problem of insecurity and delinquency is more serious than that of the car, but a Socialist likes to make a diversion.
In any case, for now it looks tight ... I wonder which side the voters of Villani lean towards.
Only one solution: drastically reduce the place of Hildago in Paris to end this execrable management.
AND I have a solution to separate myself from Hidalgo, I will vote DATI then GRIVAUX and broom the socialo coco
AND I have a solution to separate myself from Hidalgo, I will vote DATI then GRIVAUX and broom the socialo coco
She wants to ban Latins from their cars ... and the locals alike ... all on foot ?? 22.5% in the 1st round ... in the 2nd ca reserve of votes is 12% green ...