Men Women Barbara throws shoes stumbles argues Armando: "Mad" - Today a new episode of the Over Throne has been recorded, and what an episode! The advances of Men and Women announce sparks: in the next episodes Barbara De Santi will be a fury against the Knights in the studio.
Maria De Filippi first invited the lady to the center of the study to talk about dating with Marcello. The two of them had dinner together, but soon after he took Barbara back to the hotel. She said she hadn't asked, but Marcello explained that Barbara had said she was unwell and that is why she took her to the hotel to rest.
The two stories did not match at all, also Marcello accused Barbara of always having to do with her friends and never has time to hear from him.
Men Women Barbara throws shoes stumbles argues Armando
De Santi defended herself by saying that he should make his life apart from her. The discussion has degenerated, Marcello and Barbara have started to quarrel and insult each other!
Men and Women, Barbara first stumbles and then throws a shoe: the advances
Barbara lost her patience and threw a biscuit in Marcello's face, which had been offered to her by a lady in the audience. Meanwhile Barbara also risked falling: getting up to go back to her place, her trousers got stuck under the heel and the Lady lost her balance, but she managed to stay on her feet. Marcello continued to oppose her, saying that he would not have wanted to close. And at this point Barbara threw him a shoe, which came close to Simone. The latter was there to bring the shoe back to Barbara, but Armando took it and in handing it over he told her that he accused him of making reckless gestures, instead she is worse. These are the advances of the Throne Over of the Alley of News, which do not stop there.
Throne Over, clash between Barbara and Armando who gives her madness
Gianni scolded Barbara for throwing the biscuit, for not throwing food. Barbara got up, took the biscuit from the ground and ate it. As if that were not enough, the Lady again accused Armando of being engaged outside and that sooner or later he will bring the evidence. Armando gave her mad, she gave him false and extended the accusation to the whole male parterre! In short, a recording of the Throne Over very lively.
Big Brother Vip, Rita Rusic and the background on Vittorio Cecchi Gori: “A rip off! This is how things really went with 'The Irishman' "
To kick off her unexpected confidence was a question from Zequila, who asked her if Cecchi Gori had returned to production since he boasted of being among the producers of "The Irishman", the latest film by Martin Scorsese Osca candidate
Just before facing Valeria Marini in the fourth episode of Big Brother Vip, Rita Rusic confided in her companions Ivan Gonzalez and Antonio Zequila and admitted, in no uncertain terms, that she did not like the visit of ex-husband Vittorio Cecchi Gori at all. home, also revealing a background about him. “What a rip off! - Rusic began -. I saw him the day before I came here, he couldn't say anything about my son, nothing about my daughter, nothing about my dog, nothing at all, huh. One comes here to see me, who knows that I have no communication with anything and says to me: 'Look, all the boys are well, the dog is all right, all the things well' ... I mean, tell me something. He could not say anything. Have you talked to Vittoria? No. You talked to Mario. 'Eh, he called me.' I understand, but what did he tell you? You didn't give me news, "said Rita Rusic.
But to start her unexpected confidence was a question from Zequila, who asked her if Cecchi Gori had returned to production since he boasted of being among the producers of "The Irishman", Martin's latest film Scorsese Oscar nominee. "He had a credit, but it's not that he produced - he revealed -. He never even read the script, I mean. He has a credit for a lawsuit with Scorsese and therefore, for the next two films that he made, he had to put the credit produced by ... (...) There are 18 producers of The Irishman, 2 will be the producers and the others are people who have credit . (...) It means as if I am suing you, then the cause ends, I win, pretend that you have to pay me 200 thousand euros and more in the next two things you do you have to put me like this. But it's not that you make me read, I have something to do with it, I come - he concluded -. It's just a matter of credit, of securities, of prestige ".