Laszlo Hanyecz 3 billion dollars celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day - This is the person who spent 3.900 million dollars in bitcoin to buy pizzas: for him the Bitcoin Pizza Day is celebrated.

Every May 22nd Bitcoin Pizza Day is celebrated. Those who are familiar with cryptocurrencies will know what it's about, for the rest it will be the first time they hear such an event. But it is likely that neither of them know the person who gives its name to that day: it is called Laszlo Hanyecz and, with the current bitcoin prices, it can be said that he spent 3.900 million dollars in bitcoin to buy pizzas.

In Independent they talk to him and remember that day, more than 10 years ago, in which Hanyecz wrote, in the Bitcointalk forum, a message like this: “I will pay 10,000 bitcoins for a couple of big pizzas”. In addition, the buyer also noted that he liked onions, peppers, sausages, mushrooms, tomatoes and pepperoni. Finally, he wrote that, if anyone was interested, they would contact him and they would come to an agreement.

Laszlo Hanyecz 3 billion dollars celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day

And it was Jeremy Sturdivant, a 19-year-old student from California who saw the message. He sent him 2 pizzas from Papa John's and, as he had promised, Hanyecz paid him with 10,000 bitcoins, which, at the time, meant the intermediary an income of around 41 dollars. At today's price of bitcoin (and that is not happening, precisely, its best moment), those 2 pizzas would have cost almost 400 million dollars.

Sturdivant, oblivious (like almost everyone) to the subsequent growth that the cryptocurrency created by the unknown Satoshi Nakamoto would have, spent his bitcoins on trips. Although he does not seem to regret it, in 2018 he acknowledged that, if he had taken it as an investment, he would have gotten much more out of it. However, the timely seller is proud to have played an important role in creating the global phenomenon bitcoin has become over the years.

Laszlo Hanyecz 3 billion dollars celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day

The day that gave the name to Bitcoin Pizza Day was not the only one in which Laszlo Hanyecz decided to pay for dinner with bitcoins. In 2010, he said he was able to spend around 100,000 bitcoins on pizzas. Going back to the calculation with the price of bitcoin today, it can be said that Hanyecz spent 3.900 million dollars in bitcoin to buy pizzas.

He explains that, at that time, paying pizzas with bitcoins made them free for him. As in the case of the first person to respond to his request, Hanyecz boasts of contributing to the development of an open source project. He explains that bitcoins were a hobby for him. A hobby, ironically, " who invited me to dinner."

In statements to Cointelegraph-replicated in Independent-he reiterates that he is proud to be a part of bitcoin's history. He wants to think that what he did helped grow the world of cryptocurrencies; although, he stresses, if it hadn't been me, someone else would have done it.

Laszlo Hanyecz 3 billion dollars celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day

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An internal Economy document proposes to privatize part of the postal network and reduce delivery days and offices

Following the opening up of the rail passenger transport network to private competition, the postal operator could be the next public service to be privatised, at least partially. The fall in the use of the public postal network and the costs of maintaining its services again comes to the fore, 3 years after the last government headed by Mariano Rajoy commissioned the consultancy AT Kearney to study the convenience of outsourcing this service.

Thus, an internal report of the Directorate-General for Economic Policy at the Ministry of Economy, developed in July 2020, proposes to privatize part of the network of e-Mails and reduce some of their public services to optimize its efficiency and cut the expense of the Universal Postal Service, the postal services are guaranteed to all citizens despite not profitable for the operator, according to The Information.

The internal document evaluates the proposal of the Plan Allowance Post for the period 2021-2025 developed by the Ministry of Transport, which include the conditions of the Universal Postal Service and the contribution of public funds necessary to secure it, and concludes that it is possible to optimize the efficiency of Emails through the recommendations of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (Airef), which was the first agency to suggest the partial privatisation.

As well, the report includes several of his proposals, which passed to privatize part of the network to Post, to reduce from 5 to 3 days of delivery of shipment of the Universal Postal Service, which include cards up to 2 kilos in weight, and packages up to 20 kilograms, and cut back on the number of post offices mailbox and operating as a form of adapting to the declining social demand for these services and avoid to allocate resources inefficiently, according to the journal.

The document of Economy points out that the Transport proposal does not account for the decrease in the use of the postal network in their criteria of population and distance to set the minimum services of collection, given that you now require a post office in every town with at least 2,500 inhabitants and a mailbox in each city, in all of the cores with at least 400 inhabitants, and at a distance not exceeding 1.5 kilometres to prevent movement.

Thus, in addition to privatizing part of its network and closing offices and limiting the number of active mailboxes, the proposals of the General Directorate of Economic Policy and the Airef estimate that the Universal Postal Service would maintain its level of quality if the State only compensated Correos for the provision of the postal service in localities with less than 5,000 inhabitants.

These proposals reveal the Government's intention to reduce spending on Correos, which is in a delicate financial situation and could be spending more public funds than necessary to fulfill its functions, according to the Information, which recalls that in 2018 the European Commission forced Correos to return to the State coffers 167 million euros that the Government granted to the operator to cover the Universal Postal Service and that Brussels considered excessive costs.

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