"If we hook you, you have the lead", neighbors of La Plata put a parade anti-drone as La Plata neigbours display anti-drone parade. More and more cities are placing parades to intimidate thieves. There was in Santa Fe, Esteban Echeverría and now in La Plata.

A group of residents of La Plata, province of Buenos Aires decided to place an intimidating parade towards the thieves. “‘ Tracker ’in this area, we don’t call the police, if we hook you, you’ll have the lead,” says the cartel.

As if the text was not enough, the parade also has the drawing of a drum revolver on one side and two coffins, on the other. At the same time, the word “no” was highlighted within the phrase: “In this area we do not call the police”.

La Plata neigbours display anti-drone parade

The parade was hung on 56th and 158th streets, within the Los Hornos neighborhood. Although the neighbors have security alarms in their respective houses, they considered that they are not enough to end the robberies.

A similar poster had been placed at the end of last year by a group of neighbors from the province of Santa Fe. The phrase used at that time had been exactly the same, which is why in La Plata they only decided to copy it.

“We no longer know what to do with robberies. We are going to collect signatures so that the commissioner will receive us and tell us what measures he will take before the wave of robberies, but while we hang up the parade so that the jets know that we get tired, ”said Delia, neighbor of La Plata, in dialogue with The Télam agency.

The same happened in the Buenos Aires party of Esteban Echeverría. They placed a very similar sign, with the same phrase, but neither the revolver nor the coffins were added. They only placed on the left side the logo of the neighborhood group that did it.

The clear objective of the parades is to demonstrate the lack of police presence and the determination of the neighbors to start executing justice on their own.

Registration for exams to obtain the nautical driver certificate

The Argentine Naval Prefecture with a seat in the city of Formosa, informs that registration is open to obtain the driver's license for different types of nautical vessels; Those interested should attend the unit located on Avenida 25 de Mayo and Costanera. The deadline for registration is until January 20 at 10 in the morning.

Prefectura Formosa makes available a second exam date (set on January 24 at 8 am) to those interested, on the occasion of collaborating with those who wish to participate in the nautical competition at the National Festival of the Corvina to be held on 7, February 8 and 9.

The exam costs a theoretical and a practical part (the latter with its own boat in the Port). Once approved, they must carry the following requirements, which are mentioned below, and Form to process the certificate of nautical sports driver, in the POLINAVE Section of the Unit located in Costanera and May 25, Capital City.

Clarifying, that although it is reported that the process has a delay of 30 days, it is the time it takes to get the plastic to each user, but in 48/72 hours, a Digital Version is received in the email of the interested party and / or through the "My Argentina" application (if any), which has the same validity.

Meanwhile, the requirements to obtain the nautical driver certificate are to be over 18 years old, National Identity Document or Foreign National Identity Card and a copy thereof, pass the corresponding exams and a copy of the Book of Minutes where the theoretical exam is approved and practical, extended by the institution where it was carried out, a medical certificate that accredits psychophysical and audiovisual aptitude for the practice of sports navigation, where the blood group, RH factor is also recorded and if you suffer from any type of allergy, two (2) photographs color, updated, front, light blue background, card size, without glasses unless they are prescribed for permanent use and pay the corresponding fee.

On the medical certificate, it will be valid for a maximum of ninety (90) days from the date of issue; It must also include the place and date of issue, in addition to the name and document number of the examinee, the doctor must save corrections, additions, amendments or written documents.