Juan Schiaretti Casa Rosada return and confirmed that Córdoba will pay his debt - On a day dominated by the financial crisis in the province of Buenos Aires, the governor of Cordoba, Juan Schiaretti, yesterday had the first face-to-face in the Casa Rosada since Alberto Fernández took office, when he was received by the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo Pedro Wado, in a meeting of almost two hours that he described as "good and cordial". Schiaretti was the only Peronist president who did not join the campaign of the Front of All, which led to criticism from the President.
According to the governor, at the meeting they reviewed "all the issues that make the bilateral agenda" between the Nation and the province and resolved "to move forward with the ministers of each area to provide a solution." They met hours after Córdoba confirmed through a statement to the Stock Exchange that it will pay the debt due on February 3; US $ 16 million interest, which contrasts with the situation in Buenos Aires.
Juan Schiaretti Casa Rosada return
The previous visit of the governor of Córdoba to the Casa Rosada was in mid-December, together with all his colleagues, to agree to the suspension of the Fiscal Pact for one year. That day there were greetings with the President, but no private meeting.
Due to the slowdown in taxes, Córdoba will have $ 4,500 million that it did not plan to raise. Schiaretti's role was significantly modified with respect to what he played during the management of Together for Change, when he led the Peronist leaders' discussions with the Nation.
In Interior they indicated that the minister was interested in knowing the situation of the Cordovan production, particularly of the automotive industry and the field. "Both De Pedro and Schiaretti pledged to continue holding talks to continue strengthening the link and articulation," they said.
The meeting with De Pedro is part of those that the minister has been keeping with all the governors, on an open agenda. The leaders raise the most urgent problems. In the case of Córdoba, those points included the delay in the transfers of the agreed financing for the Retirement Fund (it is one of the 13 not transferred) and that amount to about $ 2100 million pending the management of Mauricio Macri. For Schiaretti the point is key; In 2019, the red of the system was $ 14,000 million.
The province also expects the nation to start making delayed shipments for public works; They are another $ 10,000 million and are backed by timely signed agreements. There were no promises from the Interior, only that the issues will be addressed by the corresponding areas.
Those close to Schiaretti confirmed to LA NACION that they expect the new administration to maintain the agreement for the non-transferred pension systems. On debt for works, they understand that it is a complicated time. They trust that the "institutional" relationship will be good and that it will not influence the Governor's decision to remain "disrespectful" during the campaign.
Swine fever is gaining ground in the European Union
Poland recorded 55 outbreaks of PPA in wild boars near the German border, which raises concerns that the virus can spread to the German country.
African swine fever continues to gain ground in the European Union. In December 2019, Poland recorded 55 outbreaks of African swine fever (PPA) in wild boars near the German border, which raises concerns that the virus can spread to the German country, one of the largest pork exporters in the European Union, as published by Eurocarne.
One of the last cases detected has been located in a town just 32 km from the border according to the OIE and previously, most outbreaks were detected in the states of Lubuskie and Wielkopolskie about 80 km.
Read also: Brazilian agricultural exports fall in 2019
Given this situation, the German authorities have built containment fences on the border with Poland seeking that wild boars cannot cross from one country to another and spread the disease between the German swine hut, the most numerous in the entire European Union.
This has been done by the state of Brandenburg, which has even reduced restrictions on wild boar hunting. In the case of Saxony, an electrified fence is being built in an area on the border with Poland.