Intelligent Investors TRACON Pharmaceuticals Inc, (NASDAQ: TCON) - On Monday, October 14, 2019, making a change of -5.63% with Loss (↓), the shares of Health (TRACON Pharmaceuticals, Inc.) created a change of -6.22% since the opening and finally closed their business at 0.3.
Earnings per share (EPS) is the portion of a company’s earnings allocated to the outstanding ordinary shares, respectively. EPS serves as an indicator of a company's profitability / success. EPS is considered the single most crucial variable in determining the price of a share.
Intraday TRACON Pharmaceuticals, Inc. .: TRACON Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a US-based company. , Belongs to the health care sector and the biotechnology industry.
The trading volume, or volume, is the number of shares or contracts that point to the full activity of a stock or stock market during a given period. The company traded hands with 251,016 shares in contrast to its average daily volume of 99.62K shares. Relative volume (or RVOL) is a volume indicator, which helps measure the interest of shareholders in a stock. RVOL compares the current volume of a stock with its previous sum over a specific period.
Intelligent Investors TRACON Pharmaceuticals Inc.
TRACON Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Technical Analysis: When analyzing the stock indexes of TCON stock, the shareholder will find that their ROE, ROA and ROI are -164.8%, -80.3% and -125% , respectively. An index of profitability is an estimate of profitability, which is a way of measuring the performance of a company. Profitability is simply the ability to make a profit, and a gain is the remainder of your income after you have deducted all costs and expenses related to your monetization.
The RSI is generally used over a 14-day period, measured on a 0-100 scale, with highs and lows marked 70 and 30, respectively. Shorter or longer terms are used for alternatively shorter or longer perspectives. Higher and lower levels - 80 and 20, or 90 and 10 - occur less frequently but indicate stronger momentum. The RSI provides signals that tell investors to buy when the currency is over-sold and to sell when it is over-purchased. The current relative strength index (RSI) reading is 17.31.
What do you mean by simple moving average (SMA)?
Simple moving average (SMA) is an arithmetic moving average calculated by summing the closing price of the value for some time periods and then dividing that total by the number of time periods. Its distance from the 20-day simple moving average is -29.48%, and its distance from the 50-day simple moving average is -36.15%, while it has a distance of -61.03% from the 200-day simple moving average . The 52-week high price company distance is -84.22% and the current price is 0.03% away from the 52-week low price.
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