Hungarian Culture Day celebrated nationwide as theaters, awards, concerts, exhibitions, book presentations, literary and musical evenings all over the country celebrate the day of Hungarian culture today.

January 22 is Hungarian Culture Day, and on Wednesday they also celebrate theatrical performances, awards, concerts, exhibitions, book shows, literary and musical evenings. The Hungarian Culture Day has been celebrated since January 22, 1989, in memory of the manuscript that Ferenc Kölcsey completed the Anthem on this day in 1823. A joint Anthem singing is organized in Szentendre, and cultural awards are presented on several days in several settlements. The Sárik Péter Trio will give a concert in Cegléd. A gala program will be held in the theater hall of the Madách Imre Cultural Center in Vác, as part of which will be awarded the city cultural awards.

Tamás Cseh is commemorated on the 77th anniversary of his birth on January 22 at the Hummingbird Theater in Budapest. The Hungarian State Opera, in collaboration with the Academy of Music, will present details of three new Hungarian operas in the Bernáth Buffet of Erkel Theater on Wednesday. The Hungarian Chamber Theater of Zenta will be presented in Budapest with three performances: at the Bethlen Square Theater from Wednesday to Friday there will be a production based on the work of Dezső Kosztolányi, Carlo Goldoni and Mark Twain.

Hungarian Culture Day celebrated nationwide

In Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County they celebrate with gala shows, writer-reader meetings, exhibitions and awards. In Csongrád County, Hungarian Culture Day is celebrated with exhibitions, literary events, concerts, theatrical performances and recognition. The jubilee exhibition of the Csongrád Art Colony, founded 45 years ago, will be held on Wednesday. Exhibition "In the plane in space" can be seen in the Csongrád Gallery. On Wednesday, an exhibition of works by Vilmos Aba-Novák, Without a Mask, will be opened at the Attila József Museum in Makó.

Komárom-Esztergom County also celebrates with awards, exhibitions, fairy tales, literary and musical performances. On Wednesday in Komárom, local art associations will present a gala at the town hall. The Tatabánya Mari Theater presents the Tatabánya Culture Award and an art scholarship. The festive program commemorates Lőrinc Szabó, born 120 years ago.

In Fejér County they celebrate with concerts, film screenings and exhibition openings. In Dunaújváros the Saint Ephraim Male Choir will give a concert in the Lutheran church, and awards will be given at the event. Tamás Vásáry, pianist and conductor Vilmos Oláh talks with violinist at the Fisherman's Castle in the Chapel of Music program series at the Chapel.

The programs in Bács-Kiskun County include anthem and storytelling, film screening, exhibition, musical literary evening, concert and book presentation.

Hungarian Culture Day is celebrated with exhibitions, literature and classical music in the towns of Zala County. As part of the program, folk music ensembles will perform and visitors will also be able to see the scientific work of public collections.

In Miskolc a II. The program of the Ferenc Rákóczi Ferenc County and Town Library will be enriched by an exhibition, a lecture, a volume presentation, a literary program and a fabulous board game.

In Veszprém they prepare for the event with exhibitions, concerts and open-air theater productions.
This year the Debrecen municipality celebrates the Day of Hungarian Culture together with the Bihor County and Oradea organization of the Hungarian Democratic Association of Romania (RMDSZ), Berettyóújfalu and Margitta municipality. A cultural day gala and award ceremony will be held in Oradea on Wednesday evening at the Szigliget Theater, and at the Csokonai Theater in Debrecen.

Ferenc Erkel's opera Bánk ban will be celebrated on Wednesday in Tirgu Mures. Levente Molnár, Éva Pánczél and Hajnalka Orsolya Röser and Apor Szüts will perform in the main hall of the Palace of Culture. There will be literary, theatrical and fine arts programs in Satu Mare on the occasion of the Hungarian Culture Day.