According to Gergely Christmas nobody invited public media, though SMS proves he did. Gregory of Christmas also insisted on Tuesday night that he had not been invited to appear in public media for a year, contradicting messages proving he had been repeatedly invited as a studio guest. The mayor finally apologized, but first because he said he hadn't responded to an SMS, and because he was talking about all the public media while thinking about the M1 and Kossuth Radio. A few hours after the interview, he couldn't remember it, and he repeated his statements, he said in the M1 News.
"After one year, I was invited tonight," began Gergely Kar Christmas's Facebook post about the M1 interview. The mayor said he had not been invited to the feed for the past year.
“Friday 7:10 am arrival, 7:20 pm broadcast and immediately radio. Is Friday so good? Yes ”- this was the exchange of messages between the editor of M1 on the 16th of September last year and the press of Gergely Christmas about the appointment of the then candidate for mayor on the morning of 20th September. However, Gergely Christmas's chair remained empty at an earlier date.
Gergely Christmas nobody invited public media
And in a newspaper interview these days, he claimed that he had not been invited to any of the public service television programs since his election, a statement he had confirmed in front of cameras on Monday.
"Could it be Wednesday, May 13, to enter M5's This Is The Question?" - this message was sent directly to Gergely Christmas on November 11 by a member of the public media.
Another message was sent to a member of his communications staff telling editors at the public media that they would even change the date of the broadcast for the sake of the mayor, but the requested interview was still unsuccessful.
On Tuesday, Gregory of Christmas finally accepted the invitation of the M1. The M1 wanted to ask the Mayor if he would apologize. Instead of answering this, he first said that he did not remember being called to the M5, then tried to correct that he was not really thinking about all the public media, but the news channel and Kossuth Radio.
The mayor was also asked by the M1 whether he was satisfied with the performance he had so far served as leader of Budapest. Gergely Kar christmas said that several concrete measures had been taken, but no details were given beyond the announcement of the climate emergency and the closure of the Liget project.
He also promised to implement all the elements of his 135-point program by the end of his cycle. However, in the last hundred days only three out of 135 have succeeded. An analyst reporting to M1 said Gregory of Christmas had little chance of completing his entire program, and he had only handed out positions so far.
“In a hundred days, no miracle can be done, which is what many people think, but it is possible to achieve the foundation stones. However, in the last hundred days, I believe that these bedrock missions have fallen behind in the mayor's work, focusing more on power struggles, on the distribution of positions and on cadre politics, ”said Erik Tóth, an analyst at the Institute for Perspectives.
He added that the government had set up the Budapest Development Center so that "instead of idle city management, they could make investments that would have a significant impact on the everyday lives of Budapest residents."