French schoolgirl Mila anti Islam video - Was 16-year-old Mila exfiltrated from high school by police after an anti-Islam video? The schoolgirl received threats after the broadcast of an Instagram story where she made insulting remarks towards the Muslim religion. A report was made to the public prosecutor by the head of his establishment.
You are referring to several videos that have been massively shared and commented on social networks. Some viewed more than 37,000 times, they take extracts from an Instagram story, in which a teenage girl makes insulting remarks towards the Muslim religion.
We can thus hear him say: "I hate religion, the Koran is a religion of hate, Islam is shit. I say what I think, damn. I'm not racist, not at all. You can't be a racist of a religion. I said what I thought, I have every right, I have no regrets at all. There are people who will still get excited, I don't give a damn. Your religion is shit, your God, I put a finger in my asshole, thank you goodbye. "
French schoolgirl Mila anti Islam video
This 16-year-old high school student Mila is enrolled in a second grade at a high school in Isère. Since the publication of these videos, several hashtags have emerged (#JesuisMila and #JesuispasMila), symbolizing an extremely polarized debate around the girl, now the target of cyberbullying. Relayed in particular by the far right, his story was told on Tuesday on the Bellica identity site, going so far as to provoke the reaction of Marine Le Pen. "The words of this young girl are the oral description of the Charlie [Hebdo] caricatures, no more no less. We can find it vulgar, but we cannot accept that, for that, some people condemn it to death, in France, in the XXIst century ”declared on Twitter the leader of the National Rally.
In addition, several Internet users indicate that the high school girl "had to be exfiltrated from her high school because everyone wanted to kill her". Others say that the police went to the establishment and that Mila "will never be schooled again."
After declaring that "the Koran is a religion of hate" and "Islam is shit", this schoolgirl received tens of thousands of insults and death threats from Muslims and had to be exfiltrated of her high school because "everyone wanted to kill her" .. # Frankistan
- Napoleon (@tprincedelamour) January 21, 2020
Instead of Mila, I would never have criticized Islam publicly. She did not think about the consequences of her act. But we support her because she is currently in danger of death, she had to be exfiltrated from her high school by the police and will never go to school again.
- El Famoso Blanco (@langlois_thug) January 21, 2020
The establishment’s address and contact details have been made public on social media, as CheckNews found, along with other private data about Mila. Tweets call in particular to "blow up the standard" of the school, another wishes him "good luck to [return] there."
Contacted, Mila explains that it all started "in a live, Saturday". She specifies: “In this live, I had already given my opinion on religion.” On the remarks which are reproached to him on Islam: “I simply said that I did not like that and that it was a religion of hate, nothing more. After that, I already received a lot of insults and threats. So I decided later to shoot this story, made on Saturday afternoon. The cyber harassment started as soon as my video was posted. "As a result, she confirms that she did not go to high school. "Someone called my high school pretending to be my father. So my school called the police to protect me, ”she says. She said she "does not want any political recovery".
No exfiltration
On the authorities' side, we have been alerted since Monday. The rectorate of Grenoble tells CheckNews that "the girl is safe" and that "physical and psychological care has been provided". The Net listening platform (partner of the Ministry of National Education in the fight against cyberbullying) has been appointed to support Mila and report threats and insults online. "Using Net listening automatically leads to a referral to the Pharos platform," we are told. The head of the establishment also made a report to the public prosecutor.
In addition, the rectorate confirms to us that the high school girl did not go to school lately, but that the police force did not carry out any exfiltration. Moreover, the local gendarmerie and the rectorate say that there has been no problem in the establishment concerned, after the threats made on social networks. "In the longer term, support will be offered to the student and their family for the control of what is posted on social networks. For the moment, we are calling for calm. ”