Florencio Varela volunteer firefighter accused abusing partner:  The authorities acknowledged that a summary was initiated with the objective of investigating what happened and that "the suspension in availability - in a preventive manner - of the accused" was ordered.

A volunteer firefighter from Florencio Varela was accused of sexually abusing a colleague in one of the headquarters offices, so the authorities - who confirmed the complaint yesterday - decided to separate him preventively.

The woman revealed that she was attacked in full service hours by a noncommissioned officer, who found her alone in a room of the establishment, located on May 25 to 2400, when she was crouched trying to connect a computer.

Florencio Varela volunteer firefighter accused abusing partner

Seeing her that way, the public servant told him several misplaced sentences affirming his desire to have sex with her, who asked him to leave her alone. Far from changing her behavior, she cornered her, put her hand between her clothes and touched her breasts. This caused a strong struggle between them, until the woman could get out of his arms.

Completely scared and in shock, the victim left the office while the defendant pulled down his pants.

The complaint was made at the 1st police station of Florencio Varela on January 10 - what happened on 8 - and was labeled as "simple sexual abuse."

Almost a week later, representatives of the Volunteer Firefighters of Florencio Varela issued a statement yesterday, confirming that there is a complaint for this crime.

The statement bears the signatures of the president of the Firefighters, Sergio García, and the Chief of the Corps, Franco Risso, which highlights that "on January 8 at 20 the Chief of the Corps (Risso) received a report where the Fire Department official it related to being a victim of sexual abuse. "

In addition, they acknowledge that a summary was initiated with the objective of investigating what happened and that, in conjunction with the Board of Directors, "the suspension in availability - in a preventive manner - of the accused" was ordered.

Likewise, they indicated that an investigation is being carried out in Justice and that "the institution will not issue any resolution, communication, interview or communication until there is a judicial resolution of the denounced fact, in order to protect the integrity of the parts. "

In a situation of gender violence, it is always advisable to file a complaint. You can call 144 24 hours. You can also go to Women's and Family Police Stations or, eventually, to any nearby police station. You can also resort to the Court of Guarantee of turn or prosecution. Here, all the agencies dependent on the National State where the pertinent queries and complaints can be made.

Florencio Varela: a young man killed another with a knife in the kitchen in a drunken fight

 The incident had its unusual ingredient since the aggressor moved the victim in a car to the nearby Prompt Care Unit (UPA)

A 26-year-old man was arrested on charges of murdering two stabs with a kitchen knife to another 46, after maintaining a street fight when both were drunk in Florencio Varela.

The incident had its unusual ingredient since the aggressor moved the victim in a car to the nearby Prompt Care Unit (UPA), where he told authorities that he had found him injured in the street. He then fled, but was subsequently apprehended. Meanwhile, the injured person died hours later at the Mi Pueblo Hospital.

For reasons that have not yet been established, the youngest of the subjects became angry with his acquaintance and blinded by fury, took the knife and struck him with two stitches, one in the thorax and another in the abdomen after running it for a block.

After hearing the screams of both, the neighbors left their homes and found a bleak panorama as they watched as one of them was bleeding.

As a result of his regret, the accused transferred the severely injured man to the UPA of Novak and Charrúas, where he reported that he had found him "on the street". From there, the person attacked was referred to the Mi Pueblo Hospital, where he died in the surgery room when he was operated.

Upon learning of what happened, the police of the Province of Buenos Aires found him in a raid, where they also found the murder weapon.