How much money to invest in cryptocurrencies? Financial advisors recommend cryptocurrencies money investment - This is the amount recommended by several financial advisors.

Do not put all the eggs in the same basket. Never invest more than you can afford. Generalist investment advice that, although –of course– remain absolutely valid, need to be supported by others that adapt to the times and digital transformation. Talking about investing in 2021 necessarily means, among other things, referring to investing in cryptocurrencies.

Despite having been in the market for years (bitcoin was launched in 2009), in recent months (sometimes due to the restrictions on digital currencies decreed by some countries) cryptocurrencies are an increasingly recurring topic. Bitcoin's downtrend, volatility, Elon Musk's ability to skyrocket or sink the price of cryptocurrencies, meme-based cryptos... Virtual currencies are a reality and for many, they are here to stay.

Financial advisors recommend cryptocurrencies money investment

cryptocurrencies must follow some unique recommendations. In this article CNBC give 2 expert financial advisors. Anjali Jariwala, financial planner and CPA and founder of FIT Advisors, offers a curious piece of advice: “Don't invest in cryptocurrencies until you have your house in order.” What do you mean? She explains, to have a strong emergency savings account, to be saving a significant amount for retirement, and to be on track to achieve goals, such as “sending a child to college or buying a house.”

Financial advisors recommend cryptocurrencies money investment: If those requirements are met, says this expert, it is a good time to invest in cryptocurrencies, but how much? Here, obviously, there is a diversity of opinions. Jariwala does not recommend dedicating more than 3% of the investment portfolio, although, he acknowledges, there are others who prefer to leave it at 2% and some who raise it up to 5%.

Another investment recommendation is that you have patience and do not sell the first time they come wrong. ” I don't like it when people come in and out of an investment too fast, " he says.

Financial advisors recommend cryptocurrencies money investment

The other expert consulted by CNBC is Alex Doll, CFP and president of Anfield Wealth Management. And he is clear: "You should not invest in cryptocurrencies more than 10% of risk assets.” That is, if a person has 70% of his money in stocks and investments with high volatility, he should only invest in virtual currencies 7%.

Doll, obviously, recommends not investing in cryptocurrencies if you can't afford to lose money, but makes an exception: “If you're young and have many years of continued income in a stable job, and you really know the crypto environment, you can do it, since you'll have time to recover.”

Financial advisors recommend cryptocurrencies money investment

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More news:

This will be the ERTE after the coronavirus: aid for companies and sectors in case of crisis, but without benefits for the workers affected

Despite the fact that the government, trade unions and employers closed the fifth extension of the system of temporary employment regulation (ERTE) at the end of May to maintain its validity at least until September 30, the social dialogue table continues working to prepare the de-escalation of this system of protection of employment and the business fabric once the coronavirus pandemic ends.

Within this process, the Ministry of Labor has sent this Wednesday to the social agents a proposal for the creation of a new type of ERTE once the pandemic ends, according to the Cadena SER, which details that this new system will be established permanently once the return to normality occurs and will be called the Employment Sustainability Mechanism (MSE).

This new type of ERTE, that would end the health crisis and economic triggered by the coronavirus, part of a commitment by the Spanish Government with the european authorities in the framework of the measures for the optimization of the labour market that includes the Plan of Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience with which Spain has detailed the breakdown of the projects and reforms which will allocate the funds european Next Generation EU.

However, the project to create the MSE, which the broadcaster of the Prisa Group specifies that it is a provisional proposal that must be analyzed and agreed with the social agents, includes substantial changes with respect to the current ERTE, since they will allow companies that suffer unforeseen events that prevent their activity to reduce the working hours of their employees and receive state aid to ensure their survival.

Thus, the Government proposal establishes that the mechanism that will replace the ERTE will entail the creation of a fund to grant benefits or bonuses to companies or sectors that are affected by unforeseen events that prevent their normal operation. The endowment of this fund would come from European funds, unused unemployment benefits and fines for ERE to companies that lay off older workers, according to SER.

However, the most outstanding change in the MSE with respect to the ERTE in force during the pandemic is the withdrawal of the additional benefit currently received by workers affected by reduced working hours, which would disappear with the new permanent regime negotiated by the Government, employers and unions in the social dialogue table in which the partial repeal of the last labor reform is also being negotiated.

In addition, the MSE would entail obligations for the beneficiary companies, as it happens with the ERTE, given that the commitment to maintain employment is maintained and the prohibition of new hiring, overtime or outsourcing while under this regime, whose regulation and penalties for non-compliant companies will still have to be negotiated at the social dialogue table.

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