Ever Given vessel stranded Suez Canal insurer accuses authorities saying that they were the ones who controlled the freighter before the jam - One more return to the conflict over responsibility for the monumental jam of ships in the Suez Canal caused in March by the stranding of the freighter Ever Given. According to the insurer of the ship, UK Club, during its transit through the canal, the navigation of the ship and its speed, were the responsibility of the Suez Canal Authority, the entity that manages one of the most important sea crossings for world trade.
"It is important to clarify that although the captain is ultimately responsible for the vessel, navigation in the canal and transit is controlled by the Suez Canal pilots and the traffic management services of the Suez Canal Authority. These controls include transit speed and the availability of tugs," the ship's insurer said in a statement.
This statement comes after the Suez Canal Authority has assured that the ship was going too fast when it was stranded, but the managers of the passage assured that they have no responsibility for it.
The Ever Given, one of the largest transport vessels in the world, is still detained in the canal as negotiations continue on compensation to be paid by the companies responsible for the vessel. It ran aground on 23 March, stopping traffic in both directions for several days and affecting world trade.
Ever Given vessel stranded Suez Canal insurer accuses authorities
The Suez Canal Authority filed a lawsuit claiming $ 916 million in compensation from the ship's owner, the Japanese company Shoei Kisen, but was later willing to accept $ 550 million, including a deposit of $ 220 million to let the ship go.
Both the owners and the insurer of the ship have admitted that the Suez Canal Authority is "entitled to compensation for its legitimate demands", it has also been concerned about the accusations against the bank and its captain.
Ever Given vessel stranded Suez Canal insurer accuses authorities
The owner and the insurer of the vessel have argued against the arrest of the vessel as against the amount of compensation and their lawyers have pointed out that the canal managers failed to allow the search entry to the sea passage and not providing tugs.
The director of the Suez Canal Authority, Osama Rabie, assured Reuters last week that the Ever Given had a speed of 25 kilometers an hour when entering the sea crossing instead of the appropriate speed, which was 8-9 kilometers an hour, and that its rudder was not aligned, so it could have chosen not to enter the canal.
Ever Given vessel stranded Suez Canal insurer accuses authorities
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These are the electricity companies that have increased the price of electricity with the new energy rate, some up to 27 %
If the implementation of the new energy tariff (which entered into force on June 1, 2021) is going to mean that many users will pay more on their electricity bill, to that must be added that many electricity companies have decided that it was the best time to increase their rates and, therefore, raise the price of electricity even more.
In the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) point out that, although the change in the electricity rate decreed by the Government only affects regulated components, most of the marketers who have already announced their new rates, do so by applying significant increases. They have analyzed the new 2.0 TD tariffs of these companies and the conclusion is that, in some cases, the price of electricity rises up to 27 %.
Most marketers, they explain, are applying strong price increases that go beyond the changes made by the new toll rates and charges. These increases, they warn, should not be applicable to former customers if there has been no prior communication, warning them that the change exceeds the regulatory requirements contemplated in the contract, and that it is being used to make a global update of rates.
The new tariffs of tolls and charges, by themselves, result in price decreases very little appreciable around to 0.3 %, for households with rates 2.0 (those who do not have time discrimination) and a significant rise, about 9 %, for those who already had the time discrimination, “the most affected with the new system of sections”, detail.
The tariff of the regulated market, the PVPC, logically, applies the new access tariffs, without further ado. Next to it, at the moment, there are only 3 companies that strictly transfer the regulated changes: Lucera with its indexed rate, Som Energía and Goiener. "They are currently economic options for users," they say.
The other companies revise their prices upwards, with increases that are close to 25% compared to the old time discrimination and around 15% in the 2.0 A rates, is the case of Sphere Luz and Eres Energía, the ones that have increased the price that they had in force until May 31
Others, such as Naturgy, Lucera in its fixed price mode, Gana Energía and Holaluz also have increases of around 10 % (and they exceed it compared to their equivalent hourly discrimination rates).
In addition, there are marketers who are betting to complete their offer with a fixed price 24 hours (instead of prices with tranches), and in some cases (such as Bulb), they have this only rate available.
These options, warn in the Organization, " far from being attractive to the consumer, they already represent an even greater increase in the bill, since marketers must continue to pay tolls and charges with the structure of 3 price brackets, so the price set is high to avoid risks. Only households with really high peak consumption will be able to take advantage of these rates that do not respect the new schedules"”
Among the controversial recommendations that have been given in recent days to lower the price of electricity with the new energy rate, was the option of using the dishwasher or washing machine at night. In some cases, this will be impossible, since there are cities, such as Barcelona, Zaragoza, Castellón or Cuenca, that –in their noise ordinances– prohibit the use of appliances at night and that penalize financially anyone who does so.
Un gran generador de beneficios económicos para los locales gastronómico: Yogurt Helado