Ever Given released Egypt protracted dispute compensation - The Ever Given has been released more than 3 months after being trapped for the first time, following a protracted dispute over compensation with Egypt.
The Ever Given returns to the sea. It does so after having been the subject of a protracted legal battle between its owners, the Japanese company Shoei Kisen Kaisha, and the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) since its seizure on April 13.
The ship, carrying nearly 20,000 containers, had been seized by the SCA after being released on the banks of the canal, where last March it spent six days blocking a crucial international maritime route.
Ever Given released Egypt protracted dispute compensation
Egypt initially sought compensation of more than 800 million euros, a claim that was reduced in the following weeks. The vessel owner's counter-offer to that initial demand was just over 100 million euros, according to Bloomberg.
The details of the final agreement between SCA and the shipowners have not been made public. However, people close to the negotiations have revealed to The Wall Street Journal that the preliminary compensation agreement, reached at the end of June, was estimated at more than 180 million euros and a tugboat.
Dustin Eno, spokesman for the UK Club, who assures the Ever Given, did not want to give details of the agreement.
Ever Given released Egypt protracted dispute compensation
The crew, for their part, is "very lively," said Abdulgani Serang, their union representative, on Twitter.
According to the WSJ, the departure of the ship from the port of Ismailia (the city closest to the place where the ship got stuck) has been planned so that it could be broadcast live on Egyptian television.
Thus, at 11.45 local time, the ship has finally left Bitter Lake, a body of artificial water in front of the canal where it has been held since its capture.
Ever Given released Egypt protracted dispute compensation
It has done so by traveling north to the main waterway at nine knots (about 17 km/h), according to the vessel tracking website MarineTraffic.com.
The ship's next stop is Port Said, at the north mouth of the canal, where its seaworthiness will be inspected.
Ever Given released Egypt protracted dispute compensation
Then you can head out into the Mediterranean and try to reach your original destination, the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. It will also remove containers at the British port of Felixstowe.
For its second voyage through the canal, it will be accompanied by two tugs and will have two experienced pilots on board, Reuters reported.
Ever Given released Egypt protracted dispute compensation
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