The eurozone is gradually returning to normal: Eurozone normal return transport hotel prepandemic levels - data on transport, hotel reservations and leisure begin to recover prepandemia levels.

While vaccination figures continue to advance towards younger and younger generations, and half of Europe is already more or less clear from what date it will be able to do without the outdoor mask, the inhabitants of the eurozone are gradually beginning to recover normality after 15 months of health alerts, confinement, restrictions on activity and mobility or curfews.

Thus, high-frequency unofficial data are revealing that public transport use and commuting have reached their highest levels since the beginning of last year in several eurozone countries, including France, Germany, Italy and Spain, where public transport use and face-to-face work remain below the level recorded in February 2020, although approaching a full recovery in the short term, according to the Financial Times.

Eurozone normal return transport hotel prepandemic levels

The recovery of these social indicators reflects the reopening and return to activity almost completely in most Community economies and exceeds the levels recorded during last summer, which is fostering the perception that a rapid economic recovery could occur, according to the English financial newspaper ING economist Bert Colijn.

This expectation, in addition to the improvement in the health front, are causing Europeans to gradually recover their consumption, leisure and travel habits, with the movement to work centers less than 10% below their records in January 2020 and with traffic to websites and applications for video conferencing falling dramatically from the beginning of 2021, according to the Financial Times.

Eurozone normal return transport hotel prepandemic levels: Similarly, the job reactivation also implies that the volume of recipients of unemployment benefits or for being part of a state temporary suspension of employment program, such as the ERTE in Spain or the kurzarbeit in Germany, are at their lowest levels since the beginning of the year, while the publication of job offers has skyrocketed in April, according to the job portal Indeed.

Eurozone normal return transport hotel prepandemic levels

However, the recovery in the number of job vacancies in the eurozone is not homogeneous, given that in Italy, with more than levels prepandemia in nearly 20 percentage points in Germany around 10 points, and in France under 5, while in Spain the available offers of employment at the end of June are still more than 20% behind their records in February 2020.

In terms of leisure, while the air traffic is still more than 50% below the level showing in 2019, even though it has reached its highest volume since the start of the pandemic, while hotel bookings have risen with strength in the big 4 eurozone economies, with France on the total recovery, Spain 30 points of your level of 2 years ago and Italy to more than 40% of their levels of hotel occupancy in June 2019.

Eurozone normal return transport hotel prepandemic levels

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Mercadona launches new summer schedule 2021: these are the main novelties in the supermarket chain

Mercadona has announced its new summer schedule: the supermarket chain extends the time that its establishments will remain open over the coming months.

If currently the 1,640 points of the company opened until 9:30, the summer time of Mercadona will be extended until 22:00. In this way, the definitive schedule will be from 9:00 to 22:00 uninterruptedly, with the exception of public holidays.

If you buy regularly at this supermarket, you should know that another of the main novelties with respect to the openings partial Mercadona Sunday of summer, affecting a fifth of its establishments: 300 shops, those located in coastal areas with the greatest influx of customers, open every day of the week, including Sundays.

Of course: in these supermarkets Mercadona hours for Sundays will be half a day, closing doors at 15: 00.

If you want to know where is the nearest Mercadona to your home and know its schedule, you just have to enter its website and enter your zip code, or click on the option to Use my current location.

The new time slot of the chain is only limited to the weather summer, and will last until next Sunday, August 29.

From Monday, August 30, Mercadona will return to winter time and closing time will return at 21: 30.

As for the summer holidays that Mercadona closes this 2021, there are two. On the one hand, on Thursday 24 June, Feast of San Juan, the chain will be closed in Catalonia and the Valencian Community.

Nor will it open its doors on Monday, August 16, the day after the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin or Virgin of the Dove in Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Canary Islands and Castilla y León.

Since last summer Mercadona has put into operation the 5-day working day: employees can rest 2 days a week and enjoy 8 long weekends a year.

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