European Union USA reach Airbus Boeing agreement - The European Union and the US are about to reach an agreement that ends 17 years of trade war over the conflict between Airbus and Boeing.

While the US president, Joe Biden, will continue this Wednesday, his european tour with a meeting in Geneva (Switzerland) with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, the impact of the rotation of the rudder at the american foreign policy with respect to its predecessor, begins to emerge in the commercial field, which could lead to a solution to the conflict longer facing since more than a decade and a half of Brussels and Washington.

After 2 days of negotiations in Brussels, the representatives of the European Union and the US are about to reach an agreement that ends 17 years of trade conflicts over state subsidies to Airbus and Boeing, which could be ratified this Tuesday in the middle of a bilateral summit between the EU and US authorities in the Belgian capital, according to the Financial Times citing diplomatic sources.

European Union USA reach Airbus Boeing agreement

The negotiators have consulted the governments of France, Germany and Spain, which are the main involved in Airbus, to close possible fringes that prevent ending the trade dispute between the US and the EU, according to the British financial newspaper, which does not rule out that the agreement does not come to pass despite the fact that both parties already agreed in March to suspend for 4 months the tariffs that were applied to each other during this conflict.

European Union USA reach Airbus Boeing agreement: Specifically, the US applied in October 2019 a series of protectionist measures in retaliation for state aid to Airbus, which it considered unfair competition against Boeing, which resulted in tariffs of more than 6,100 million euros on various Community products, ranging from Airbus aircraft parts to luxury products such as cheese, wine, oil or whiskey, which have impacted Spanish producers and exporters.

For its part, Brussels fired back with tariffs worth of 3,300 million euros after receiving the permission of the World Trade Organization (WTO), despite the fact that the US leads by blocking from the end of 2019 the renewal of his court resolution of trade disputes, which has hampered that body to punish Washington for its trade war against the EU.

European Union USA reach Airbus Boeing agreement

In any case, the trade dispute over state aid from the EU countries to Airbus and from the US authorities to Boeing dates back to 1992, when the US denounced that the European aeronautical manufacturer had received subsidies from EU countries to subtract Boeing's market share, a measure to which the EU responded by denouncing the tax incentives and aid to the US Boeing by its government.

The climate of consensus between the US and the EU with respect to this litigation seeks to respond to the emergence of the manufacturer, state-owned chinese Comac, according to Financial Times, which ensures that the understanding between Brussels and Washington already has been achieved in the field of the taxation of digital, as reflected in the imposition and subsequent freezing of tariffs to Spain and France for the creation of their fees to Google until there is a global agreement in this field.

European Union USA reach Airbus Boeing agreement

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A minimum wage of up to 1,047 euros in 2023: the government committee of experts recommends raising it by 10% in the next two years

The Government continues to wait to receive this month the report of the committee of experts in charge of designing how to raise in the next 3 years, the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI) up to 60% of the average wage, as recommended by the European Social Charter, face-to negotiate your next raise along this summer with the social partners.

While waiting for the Wage Structure Survey for 2019 to be published on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics to help clarify where the average wage is in Spain, the committee of experts is working on a draft that proposes to raise the minimum wage to an interval between 1,012 and 1,047 euros in 14 payments in 2023 to reach the goal set by Europe, according to El País.

Realized that climb, would raise the current level of SMI, which is fixed at 950 euros per month in 14 payments from the agreement of the social dialogue of January 2020, between 6.5% and 10.2%, which translates into a rise of between 62 and 97 euros to ensure that the minimum wage is equivalent to 60% of the average salary, and it would mean that the SMI would an increase of between 54.5% and 59.8%% between 2017 and 2023, according to the diary of the Group in a Hurry.

Although the data revealed by the INE this week could modify the experts ' estimates, the draft of its report emphasizes that the minimum wage in Spain already exceeds 50% of the country's average salary, which would mean that the Executive is close to fulfilling its promise to place it at 60% of the average salary before the end of the legislature, which will end in 2023.

The increase in the SMI in the last 4 years, which rose 8% in 2017 to 707.7 euros, 4% in 2018 to 735.9 euros, 22.3% in 2019 to 900 euros and 5.5% in 2020 to the current 950 euros per month in 14 payments, has meant that Spain leaves the van in the tail of the European Union in terms of the minimum wage, according to experts, who ask for a prudent climb path that takes into account the coronavirus crisis, according to El País.

Therefore, the committee opts for 2 possibilities to reach 60% of the average wage in 2023, betting on concentrating the increases of the minimum wage in 2022 and 2023 or begin to raise it already this year, with an increase limited to between 12 and 18 euros. However, the refusal of the employers to participate in this committee could limit their support to any increase, although the Government could approve the increase of the SMI without the need for agreement in the social dialogue.

For their part, the unions have already submitted their own proposals to increase the minimum wage, with CCOO defending a rise in fixed 1.5% this year, which is projected to increase between 2% and 3% in 2022 and 2023, in addition to retrieving the clauses of salary review once the economic recovery of the pandemic of coronavirus has been consolidated.

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