Escape comfort zone overcome money fears avoid negative spiral - How to get out of your comfort zone and overcome your fears with money: the importance of avoiding the negative spiral.

The ability to take risks out of your comfort zone is the main way you can grow in both your personal and professional finances.

But there is often quite a fear of taking that first step.

In reality, comfort zones are not about comfort, but about the fears you have. You have to break these chains of fear to seek success and take the reins of your money: make a budget, have a financial planning, consult with a financial advisor, have a habit of saving, cut expenses... Everything helps to achieve the goals.

Although for that it is necessary to leave your comfort zone before and overcome the fears you have with your own capital.

In concrete terms, the fear of losing money is rooted in the fear of failure and one of the most practical recommendations to overcome this situation is to assume the fact that no one will take it out of your hands (unless you allow it); capital will not disappear on its own either.

Escape comfort zone overcome money fears avoid negative spiral

Be that as it may, you are the great steward of your liquidity and you know that there is no success without learning. The more skills you acquire to manage your money, the less aversion you will have to failure and consequently the less worry you will feel about the possibility of losing. Remember that no rich man has amassed that great fortune without first losing some money.

In this regard, there is a reference to the book Rich Father Poor Father whose author, Robert Kiyosaki, warns openly that losers avoid failure, while failure turns losers into winners.

Therefore, do not panic about failure because your natural response to that fear will be to do nothing. And not for fear of losing you will stop playing. In the same way, do not settle for playing safe because, even winning, it will serve you little.

Escape comfort zone overcome money fears avoid negative spiral

Do not forget that you have enough capacity to generate capital and, in the event that you lose money, do not worry too much because you will always have the tools and skills to find new opportunities to recover and recapitalize it.

Many people are so afraid of failure that they prefer to do nothing before trying to fulfill their dreams.

So start dealing with failure like he's your best teacher. What did you learn from the experience? How can you extrapolate that lesson to your next adventure to increase your chances of success with your capital? Many highly successful people failed many times before they were successful.

Escape comfort zone overcome money fears avoid negative spiral

So, it's important to be aware of what's outside your comfort zone. What are the things you think are worth doing, but are you afraid to do them, because of the potential for disappointment or failure?

Draw a circle and write those things out of it. This process will not only allow you to clearly identify your discomforts but also your comforts.

One way to get out of your comfort zone and get over fears with money is to deal with uncomfortable situations in economic terms with greater normality. Seek goals and do not flee as such from adverse situations. You have to know how to fight them.

Escape comfort zone overcome money fears avoid negative spiral

This can be extrapolated to everyday life. For example, if you start to feel a little panic when you talk to someone you've just met, it's better to be aware of that situation to get used to acting normal. Well, the same thing happens with money.

If you practice often enough, you'll start to be more comfortable, no doubt.

It's also important that you don't try to jump out of your comfort zone, as you'll likely feel overwhelmed and get back into it right away.

Escape comfort zone overcome money fears avoid negative spiral

Take small steps toward the fear you're trying to overcome. If you want to speak in public, start by taking every opportunity to speak with small groups of people. You can even practice with family and friends.

Learn to laugh at yourself when you make mistakes and that will help you get around those comfort zones and manage with more optimism with your personal finances. Risk-taking will inevitably involve failures and setbacks. But you have to feel positive about taking the blows when others make fun of you.

At first it will seem really scary to get out of your comfort zone. However, you don't need to do it all at once. It can be gradually. This will make you feel more and more comfortable with new things that seemed dangerous to you.

Escape comfort zone overcome money fears avoid negative spiral

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Correos closed 2020 with losses of 264 million euros: its revenues fell by 12.9% due to the decline in the sending of letters and the slowdown in parcels

E-commerce has experienced unprecedented growth in Spain during 2020. Thus, the online sales in Spain has increased almost by 5 during the pandemic, according to a survey by the consulting firm McKinsey, while figures from Google show that Spain is the country where grew the sales volume of e-commerce, 41%, while the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) figure increased its turnover by 2.5%.

Despite the divergence in its results, these data reveal that online sales have managed last year to consolidate the growth that has been accumulating in the last decade, despite the difficulties that the coronavirus has caused for the logistics sector, especially during the first months of the pandemic, in which global supply chains were severely affected.

However, the Post has fallen in losses in full swing pandemic e-commerce, as has unveiled the public postal operator in the Annual Report Integrated for 2020, according to The Confidential, which reflects that their income is reduced by 12.9 per cent, falling to the 1.975 million euros in the same year that Amazon got its first year in positive in its international segment with its major historical revenue in Europe, 44,000 million.

Specifically, Correos has presented losses during 2020 of 264 million euros, which contrast with the 13 million profit in 2019, which represented its first positive year since 2014, according to the digital newspaper, which ensures that it has delivered 30% more packages in 2020 than during the previous year, but delivered 560 million letters less, highlighting that postal delivery represents 65% of its income.

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Correos attributes both phenomena to the pandemic. "The main cause that has led to this has been the effect of Covid-19, which has accelerated trends such as digitization of consumption, production, public Administration, and, above all, personal communications and commercial shortening in decades, their widespread implementation," notes the report.

The results reflect that the turnover of the segment of postal, telegraphic and parcel has gone back to 19.4%, up to 1.583 million euros, while that of urgent packages has soared, with force, 29.7%, from 312,6 million in 2019 to 405,3 million of revenue during the past year, in which he recorded a profit before tax of 366,5 million despite the incroporación of new services for the development of online sales throughout 2020.

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