Emanuele Severino life death unfolded - The academician, who had been sick for six months, had ordered that the news of his death be released only after three days. The importance of his studies and research for contemporary philosophical thought

A philosophy of the answer. There is no better definition to summarize the thought of Emanuele Severino, born in Brescia on February 26, 1929 and who passed away on January 17. His thought can be considered a constant attempt to refocus those philosophical stakes blown up by Martin Heidegger.

It is no coincidence, in fact, that Severino dealt with the German philosopher already in his graduation thesis at the University of Pavia in 1950. Due to the lack of solution to the problems posed, Heidegger is considered to be the thinker who more systematically declined philosophy as an interrogative modality of thought. So much so that after him we speak of "weak thinking". Severino's philosophical research, on the other hand, sought from the beginning to indicate the context in which the Heideggerian problematic could not remain in suspense.

Emanuele Severino life death unfolded

The Italian philosopher has long wondered about being. Becoming does not exist because it foresees a 'non-being' before and after being. Therefore the entity is eternal, it is not born and will not end up in nothing. "The denial of becoming immediately arises from the authentic principle of Parmenides: being is. If being becomes - if the positive comes - being, before arriving, was not: and this is precisely the absurdity, or this is precisely the definition of the absurd: that being is not. [...]. Everything is necessary, then ", he wrote already in 1956 in the essay" Classical metaphysics and Aristotle ".

One year after graduation, Severino is already a professor of theoretical philosophy and from 1954 to 1969 he arrives at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. His thinking is in strong conflict with the official doctrine of the Church which in 1969 officially proclaims the irremediable opposition between Severino's thought and Catholic thought.

Leaving Milan, Severino goes to teach at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, where he is one of the founders of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy. In 2005 the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice had proclaimed him Emeritus Professor. Academician of the Lincei and Knight of the Grand Cross, for decades he was the signature of the Corriere della Sera.

Polls and votes: where and how the elections in Emilia-Romagna are won

In the electoral maps of Emilia-Romagna which La Stampa publishes today, there is the whole movement of votes that has characterized the region in recent years where the League has progressively advanced and the Democratic Party has moved backward. In the red region par excellence, there has been an erosion of the center-left consensus and an increasingly stronger advance than the center-right. But with a peculiarity, confirmed by polls and votes: in the big cities the consensus of the PD is always at higher levels than that of the League; in the province, on the other hand, the Carroccio prevails on the left.

And so since 2014 the Region has changed color two more times: the policies of 2018 have turned yellow (first party the M5S), while a little less than a year ago the green of the League has imposed itself on the Europeans (first with 33, 8% against 31.2% of the Pd). From Piacenza and Parma, the "white" areas where the moderate center-right has taken root over the years, to the territories of Romagna, with Rimini and Cesena who could choose the candidate of the M5S (Simone Benini), weakening the center-left. "If the center-right wants to tick it, it must reduce the gap on large urban centers," comments the political scientist and researcher of the Istituto Cattaneo Marco Valbruzzi with the newspaper.

This is why, between polls and votes, the game is played entirely in four cities that will act as sensors on Sunday evening to understand the impact of the Northern League wave: Bologna, Ravenna, Modena and Reggio Emilia. The political clash is again between the center (the capitals remained "red") and the periphery (the provinces where the League's center-right has already established itself). In the background, the themes of the election campaign, from health to regional autonomy (invoked by both candidates), passing through the individual local bodies. At stake is not only the government of the region. But much more.

    "The game is played in Reggio Emilia and Bologna," said Lucia Borgonzoni in a video stolen from the last League congress. They are the two provinces in the balance. In Reggio, the pattern is the usual one: the province is more or less Northern League, especially the Apennine belt; in the capital holds the Democratic Party. But also the result of the last administrative is double-sided: it is true that the city has re-elected the mayor of the Democratic Party, Luca Vecchi but, for the first time in history, the candidate of the party (once there would have been no need to specify which one) was forced to run the ballot.