Eleven raids and two arrested for the crime in the casino - Eleven raids two arrested casino crime!

Numerous elements of interest were kidnapped, including a large number of weapons and ammunition.

Police personnel carried out eleven raids in Rosario today following the crime at the City Center casino, and two people were arrested, in addition to the kidnapping of elements of interest for the cause.

The Criminal Investigation Agency (exPDI) led the proceedings at Rouillón at 3600, Viamonte at 700, Ayacucho at 4000, Boulevard I followed at 3700, Pedestrian Passage 1700, Oroño Boulevard at 4400, Coulin at 2000, Paris at 5400, Amenábar at 1400 and Marathon passage to 1900.

Eleven raids two arrested casino crime

 In the different raids there were two people arrested and a large number of firearms and ammunition were kidnapped, as well as cell phones, notebooks and tablets, among other elements.

The operations are framed in the cause by the murder of Enrique Encino, 64, who was shot dead in the head last Saturday night when he was on the smoking balcony of the City Center casino.

The Special Operations Troop (TOE) of the Santafesina Police and the Criminal Investigation Agency arrested Maximiliano "Cachete" Díaz, who would be linked to Los Monos and who is designated as the organizer of the bullet attack that was finally executed by two men on motorcycle.

"Cooperatives will not suffer cuts from public services"

The now official said there will be no suspension of energy supply to the recovered companies and there will be no evictions.

Eduardo Murúa is the new director of Recovered Companies, an area recently created by the Ministry of Social Development to generate policies for the sector. A member of the IMPA metallurgical and cultural center, a historical benchmark for self-management, Murúa has been active in a movement that brings together 420 recovered factories and nearly 20 thousand workers. He says that Argentina 2020 cannot afford to lose “the social good that is a company”, nor waste another as scarce as employment. He assures that the cooperatives will have the support of the government so as not to suffer cuts in public services due to the debts left by the succession of macrismo rates. And it advances that, in agreement with the Buenosairean government, it will work so that the State intervenes before the eviction requests.

- What do you aspire to do from this address?

- Strengthen each of the companies with the resources allocated by the State. We are asking for 5 billion pesos to build a trust for eight lines of work: four credit and four subsidies. Credit lines are necessary because the recovered ones are outside the financial system; We will put the trust as a guarantee so that they can access, also all the tools that the State created for SMEs. On the other hand, subsidies are going to be destined for workers to have capital to start producing, or start over.

- How would you define the jobs of a recovered one? Are they similar to those of an SME or closer to the social economy?

- They have the same problem as an SME, the only difference is the self-management of workers. But we have a great relationship with the popular economy.

--The Directorate was created in Social Development. Is there a look that puts them closer to assistance than to Production?

- Not only SMEs but large monopolies have historically had greater assistance, but from the Ministries of Economy. There is an asymmetry of state resources in favor of large companies. Those with less assistance are the sectors that are in the Ministry of Social Development. In these days we discover that this State's look towards the sector of the poor covers all aspects; For example, the State pays twice as much to a worker in the Ministry of Economy as to one in Social Development.

- Last week the recovered Cueroflex occupied the Ministry of Production because Naturgy was about to cut the gas. There are many other cooperatives knocked out by the tariffs.

--We are talking with the Ministry of Energy. Cortes will not be; What is being discussed in the future is what rates we will have and how we recompose the situation with the overdue debt. We are discussing it, there is a huge understanding on the part of the Secretariat about what happened to us. As a member of a recovered company, my conviction is that this is a product of the economic situation. Once demand is recovered, wages are recovered, energy is not going to be a problem. Meanwhile there is a concrete exit: the suspension of all cuts.

--For how long?

-What is necessary. We are talking about the economy starting to work, allowing companies to rebuild their capital and be able to pay.

- He spoke of access to credit. Is there going to be a state purchase for the recovered ones?

--We are asking for it. In the Ministry of Social Economy led by Emilio (Persian) there is a Undersecretary of Food, by Gabriel Osatinsky, who is in charge of seeing the production of the popular economy and those recovered to think about how we implement social buying. Also to develop markets.

- What is the main obstacle? Are they in a position to agree?

- Many do, and many lack requirements, because you have to comply with regulations. We are going to raise, as we speak with the deputies, the need for a law that establishes the obligation of the states to be part of their purchases to the popular economy. Without that obligation it will be very difficult ...

There was a threat of eviction from Bauen. What will happen to the cases of fallen expropriations?

- We will be attentive to any situation and sit down with whoever is needed so that they do not act now because there is a clear policy of the national and provincial government not to affect the continuity of the companies.

- During the macrismo how the rights of the recovered ones were affected?

- The jobs are; In our movement, the MNER, there were no layoffs or closed any recovered, because the companions defend them against everything. Yes there was a sharp decline in our purchasing power, in withdrawals, a tremendous adjustment; we will have lost about 50 percent or more ... We reached levels we had never suffered, from a huge sacrifice.

- He met with Deputy Leonardo Grosso to write a bill.

- It is a national law of expropriation of productive units. It contemplates that when a company closes, breaks, stops paying salaries, enters cessation of payments, the State can expropriate it if the workers, organized in a cooperative, request it. That would give a tool for the company not to close. Society would not lose that social good that is a company, and a good as scarce as employment is ... scarce not only in Argentina but in the world. In that law we propose that once expropriated, the State cedes that good to the cooperative to continue production. If the cooperative is unsuccessful, the State can recover it for housing, education or work purposes. This would not imply almost expenses for the State, because the State together with the workers and the official banks can compensate the credits that they have in a bankruptcy to buy the real estate and machinery. In bankruptcies, most of the loans are held by the State and workers.

- Was the bankruptcy law not modified? Doesn't work to allow business recovery?

- Bankruptcy law leaves in the hands of the judge, and in many cases of the trustee the decision on whether or not it can. The requirements for access are high, because 66 percent of the workers have to meet, and the recovery processes are very complex. Sometimes they start before a bankruptcy is issued, the workers have already started lawsuits, it is not easy for them to convince themselves to dismiss those lawsuits. It also depends on the trustee considering that the recovery plan presented is viable, but the trustee should always top off to collect.

- It would be another example of a State designed so that there are no changes.

- It is a law of the 90s, which despite its modification maintains the spirit with which it was sanctioned. We want the Argentine State to be clear that an expropriation is of public utility because work today, anywhere in the world, but in Argentina in particular, is of public utility.

--That debate is taking place?

- We gave it and we won. In the province of Buenos Aires we have almost 84 expropriations, some with right-wing governments. When we gave the debate with the political class, he had to accept it. The truth is that it makes no sense not to do it ... what I do grant is that the political leadership does not understand the savings made by the State in each recovery. Today generating a job in our homeland means an investment of between 20 and 24 million pesos ... for a single job! You can take any case of creating a company and make the account: if to create a job you have to invest less than 20 million, it is a job that will not generate surplus value. In the United States there are 450 thousand dollars, in Europe 500 thousand euros. We talked about buying a company, installing machinery, incorporating a worker, everything that means creating a serious job. We recover it almost without a weight of the State. We did it at all stages and we saw it in these four years: we held all jobs.