Digital Marketing Presentation - If you ask most people what marketing means, they will answer that it is the process by which the potential customer chooses my product and not that of the competitors.

I agree with that definition. But what do you have to do to make this happen?

I propose that we first try to understand why this process does not trigger in most cases.

Very often, the term marketing is associated, or rather confused with the term advertising, and this is not correct!

In fact, advertising is nothing more than a tool or means of communication that allows us to amplify our message to a large number of people, with the aim of making us known and then allowing them to buy our products and / or services.

Digital Marketing Presentation

Basically, when we talk about advertising, we mean two different channels:

  • offline or defined as traditional marketing (TV, radio, catalogues, billboards, magazines, newspapers, brochures, flyers ...)
  • Facebook Instagram LinkedIn YouTube

But let's start with a hypothetical, but at the same time practical example that allows us to understand how those who want to do marketing very often start from advertising.

Let's say I'm a plumbing and heating technician, and as the summer season approaches, I decide to advertise with the aim of selling as many X-Brand air conditioners as possible.

The best approach for Digital Marketing Presentation

So, what will be my approach?

I will ask my current provider, who is in charge of communication (web agency, freelance, etc.) to tell me what can be done and what strategy I need to adopt.

Facebook Instagram will probably suggest that I create a sponsored campaign on Facebook / Instagram where it will show Product X or a similar image that contains the product itself or even a more creative image (attract attention!) proposing to people who may be interested in installing an air conditioner in their home.

So, it will create a message where it will indicate our proposal / offer.

People who will see this advertisement, if they are interested, will most likely contact me to request information. Suppose, then, that this is the picture of the situation.

No matter how stimulating, exciting, creative or viral the message is, before buying from me, people will probably wonder if there are cheaper offers / proposals for the same product I offer or similar products. Then they will search the internet and shopping centres near their home, etc.

Suppose, through questions, people find a more advantageous offer, which can be the same product X at a lower price or another product y equivalent to mine. Just in case I am the only technician in the area, they will turn to me out of convenience.

Meaning of Digital Marketing Presentation

What does all this mean?

Simple, that the market has changed compared to many years ago, when I was the only one or with little competition.

In any sector, competition has increased dramatically and continuing to do what you were doing before only with the help of some tools (even on the web) will not improve your situation so much, rest assured.

Because if what I propose is similar to what other competitors propose, I am completely comparable and if I do not have an "objectively differentiated" message whereby potential clients perceive as finding the specific or better solution to their problem, I will find myself in the situation of making the price war and even if I become very cheap, I am sure that there will always be someone else who will propose a lower price (for a thousand and a thousand different reasons ...)

This example can be made for any other product or service.

That said, I just wanted to describe to you a situation that occurs very often to those who start with only a few tools for advertising and not from marketing.

I certainly do not want to denigrate the use of tools, but they should only be used after the implementation of the marketing process within your business.

Specifics of Digital Marketing Presentation

But let's get into the specifics of what marketing means.

We have described in the example above, the concept of message, used to attract customers. But how to create an effective one?

You must ensure that this message is clearly perceived by potential customers or by people interested in the products and / or services offered, as the only one capable of fully satisfying the specific problem or need. It must be something unique.

For this reason, those who do not rely on marketing, most likely will not know where to start creating their message.

After I understand well what the "message" is, we need to know how to implement it, that's why I suggest starting from a definition of what marketing means, which I consider more relevant:

Marketing is a process, that is, that series of analytical, strategic and operational activities that together have the role of directing the company towards a series of existing opportunities or identifying new ones, with the aim of making the company grow and more profitable in the medium-long term.

From this definition, we can understand that advertising is not marketing, but is part of it. Marketing, as mentioned in the definition, is a process that has inside a series of analytical, strategic and operational activities, while advertising is a tool.

Digital Marketing Presentation