Contest template PM BA CBM BA 2020: See the result! From January 20, the preliminary template for the objective tests of the Bahia Military Police (PMBA) and Bahia Military Fire Brigade (CBMBA) contest will be available for consultation.

To consult the candidate, access the website of the Brazilian Institute of Training and Capacity Building (IBFC), which organizes the event. See the template here.

The Public Competition is aimed at selecting candidates for the training course for soldiers of the Military Police of Bahia and the Military Fire Department of Bahia, in addition to the staff of the Military Police of Bahia and the Military Fire Department of Bahia.

The validity is for one year, counting from the date of publication of the Homologation, which can be extended only once, for an equal period, at the discretion of the Administration.
Appeals against evidence of proof

The deadline for filing appeals regarding the questions and the objective test template, the candidate will have January 21 and 22.

Contest template PM BA CBM BA 2020

The interposition must be made through the electronic address of the IBFC, in the "Resources" tab, filling in the appropriate form made available for appeal by transmitting it electronically.

Points relating to any questions eventually canceled will be awarded to all candidates who took the test. If there is a change in the template, the correct answer will be corrected according to the definitive official template.

Approval in public tender

The candidate who obtains the score and the minimum classification of 60% of the total will be considered approved in the public competition.

The final result will be made through the sum of the first stage (objective test), with the second (discursive test).

In the event of equality of final score between candidates, tiebreaker criteria will be applied, with preference, successively, for the candidate who has:

  •     higher score in the test of specific knowledge;
  •     higher score in the Portuguese language discipline;
  •     higher score in the speech test;
  •     older age, observing the date of birth, considering day, month and year;
  •     effectively exercised the function of juror in the period between the date of publication of Federal Law No. 11,689, of June 9, 2008 and the date of publication of the Public Notice.

To check the final result, the candidate must access the Official Gazette of the State of Bahia, available on the IBFC website and on the Portal do Servidor, where the final grades of the approved candidates will be listed, in decreasing order of the final grade, by Position / Staff Table. Squares, Region of Classification - Municipality / Headquarters and Sex (male and female), as well as the classification obtained.
Requirements for investiture in office

After being approved in all stages of the contest, the candidate must observe some requirements and conditions for admission to the Bahia Military Police Soldier Training Course and the Bahia Military Fire Brigade, as PMBA / CBMBA Soldier Student, being:

  •     have Brazilian or Portuguese nationality and, in the case of Portuguese nationality, be supported by the equality status between Brazilians and Portuguese, with recognition of the enjoyment of political rights;
  •     have a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 30 years of age;
  •     have a minimum height of 1.60 m for male candidates and 1.55 m for female candidates;
  •     to have physical and mental aptitude for the exercise of the duties of the positions, proven through medical-dental examination, physical tests, psychological examinations and social investigation;
  •     have a valid National Driver's License, category B;
  •     be in full enjoyment and exercise of political rights;
  •     being up to date with electoral obligations;
  •     being up to date with the duties of the Military Service for male candidates;
  •     possess moral integrity, proven by the absence of a criminal record;
  •     not having lost an elected post of governor and vice-governor of the State and of mayor and vice-mayor, for breach of the provisions of the State Constitution or the Organic Law of the Municipality, in the last 08 years;
  •     not being dismissed from the public service as a result of administrative or judicial proceedings, for a period of 8 years;
  •     In addition to other provisions of the notice.