Cameron Newell earns 4 million USD short term stock trading - This young man has earned more than 4 million in 2020 through risky short-term stock trading: so decide which shares to buy -When Cameron Newell started operating, he had no idea what he was doing.

A friend introduced him to the trading world and told him about the Robinhood app. Since barriers to entry were affordable, he decided to try his luck.

"I would never have bought shares if it wasn't for Robinhood. I'm sure, simply because I would never have paid a commission. I didn't feel it was the right thing to do," Newell explains.

He had a rough start. Newell has confessed that he lost half of his assets (around 7,800 euros) in that first scuffle with the markets. Some of those savings were money given to him by his parents and the rest was savings from some temporary jobs he had when he was younger.

Cameron Newell earns 4 million USD short term stock trading

After thoroughly studying the market and historical trends in a self-taught manner, it returned to business in September 2019, he explains. He deposited $ 1,000 (about 820 euros) into an account with TD Ameritrade just before a retail boom occurred.

Since then, the S&P 500 index has experienced a historically volatile period and the fastest fall and recovery in history. If an investor had put that $ 1,000 into an S&P 500 index fund, he would have earned 38% (or $ 380).

Newell seems to have done much better.

The young man has shared several screenshots of his monthly statements from November 2019 to the end of last year. They show that it withdrew about 818,000 euros in profits from a TD Ameritrade account in May 2020, and obtained about 2.8 million euros and another 420,000 euros in additional E-Trade and TradeZero accounts, respectively, in the month of December.

Cameron Newell earns 4 million USD short term stock trading: In addition, Newell has shared all its tax documents relating to 2020 for its investment operations. The documents show profits of more than 800,000 euros on TD Ameritrade and more than 400,000 on TradeZero. For its part, the E-Trade archives show profits of around 3 million.

During the same period, Newell has broadcast live several operations that generated profits of 40,000 euros or more and has broken down its daily profit and loss position, so that has been able to verify that the price movements observed in the broadcast were real.

Together, the documents, screenshots and live broadcasts suggest that in one year, he would have made profits totaling more than 4 million euros through three accounts.

Cameron Newell earns 4 million USD short term stock trading

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"I didn't even graduate from college. I'm not a genius. I just found what I like, " sums up Newell.

He also comments that his main strategy is intraday trading, which involves chasing price trends by buying rising stocks and selling those that go downhill.

When asked if he thinks others can replicate his success, Newell says he can. In fact, he now runs a business where he teaches others how to invest online, including on YouTube.

But his approach is not suitable for all audiences: Newell has used several high-risk strategies that can be extremely expensive but potentially profitable. And its benefits are extraordinary, even for traders who do it professionally. For example, only 49% of managed funds actively covered by Morningstar beat their passive peers last year.

Cameron Newell earns 4 million USD short term stock trading: Newell has shared how these tactics helped him achieve his goal and 3 of his most used strategies.

When buying and selling stocks on impulse, referred to as their short-term strategy, Newell focuses more on the psychology surrounding trading, or how other investors can react to volatility, rather than the company's own financial data. Look for volatile stocks and buy when they fall waiting for a rebound. He holds these positions for short periods, usually between 3 hours and 3 days.

"I look for patterns. I'm not inclined to particular companies. Now, in the long run, it's very different, but with this portfolio I don't care what I'm buying and selling," he explains. "I'm looking for a lot of volume, a lot of volatility and people getting nervous."

Cameron Newell earns 4 million USD short term stock trading

It also focuses on hot markets that attract people's attention, such as electric vehicles, and certain sectors that could be popular with retail investors operating with large volumes. If you read positive news about a company, which can be a sign of success, you also bet on maintaining long-term positions, he explains.

An example of Newell's successful operations came on 9 December after news broke that a listed biotechnology company known as Greenwich LifeSciences (GLSI) had positive clinical results for the treatment of breast cancer. When the market opened, he bought and made a profit as the price continued to rise. The share price skyrocketed almost 998% that day, and Newell won over 50,000 euros. He streamed the entire session live on YouTube. The source has verified that the stock movements that could be seen on screen during the YouTube stream did indeed take place that day.

If a company's stock price rises in a short period, usually by 300% or more in one or 2 hours, Newell looks for other stocks that may be related to it. These are usually companies that manufacture the same products or provide a similar service.

It refers to these companies as" brokers", which are usually smaller capitalization companies with cheaper shares. For example, if a company that makes electric vehicles experiences a rapid increase in the price of its shares, it will look for other electric vehicle companies, or those that make parts for that company, and buy their shares.

"Tesla grew tremendously, but then there were many others behind it, like BLNK, FSR, CCIV," Newell notes.

Cameron Newell earns 4 million USD short term stock trading: To find these actions explain that you use a web page called Finviz. Navigate to the page of the company in question, then click on a link below its chart that lists similar companies.

Then filter the table to show companies from lowest to highest stock prices and take a close look at companies with cheaper stocks.

"In general, when I look at stocks, the cheapest ones are the ones that can go up the most percentage. So, you know, if the shares are at $ 60, it's a lot harder to double than if a share is at 3, or 4, or 5, or 6, or 7, or 8 dollars," Newell details.

An example of this that went well came on November 6, when he bought shares of Oncternal Therapeutics (ONCT) to take advantage of Aptevo Therapeutics (APVO). The shares of the latter company had begun to rise on November 2 after positive news of a clinical trial was announced. Newell explains that he was unaware at the time of the news regarding the drug, but detected that the shares had been rising for several days. So he started buying Oncternal shares at $ 4.7 and sold them at about $ 8.3, making about $ 214,000 in profit. (He also broadcast the operation live.) The source has verified that the stock moves seen on YouTube's live stream did indeed take place that day.

Newell explains that in its beginnings, with those first $ 1,000, it used this strategy and bought shares that had prices mostly below $ 1.

Some of those shares increased by 200 to 600 per cent in one day. As his earnings increased to $ 25,000 (about 20,500 euros), he began trading intraday and choosing shares that were traded at higher prices. However, it focuses mainly on small and medium-cap companies.

Cameron Newell earns 4 million USD short term stock trading

Newell definitely doesn't have a conservative approach when it comes to investing. Make quick trades and take on big risks that can expand your profits.

Recently, he also started selling short stocks that he thought would go down. Use the same strategy when shorting an action as long. This allows you to take advantage of opportunities that increase and decrease.

He also traded with funds borrowed from the TradeZero broker, amplifying his profits in a risky but potentially high-money practice known as margin trading.

Newell keeps its long-term investments in an account separate from its short-term operations because it plans to keep them for 10 to 30 years. Transfer funds from your short-term account to your long-term account as a way to make a profit while continuing to allow your money to grow. Here, he focuses more on the company, especially its CEO.

A key indicator for him is how a CEO manages a company. He likes those who are consistent with his statements, that is, if they say something, they do not contradict themselves or their opinion does not change unexpectedly.

Other things you look for in your long-term portfolio are consistent growth in a company's quarterly earnings and sectors that have growth potential, such as electric vehicles and renewables.

# Cameron Newell earns 4 million USD short term stock trading #

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